Interviews, Book Signing, and Talk Notes

Well, folks, it’s been a while.  And when you have limited time and energy, you have to drop some things.  Which meant I haven’t blogged here in months.  That said, this fall is looking more generous as far as blogging time goes, so I hope to be back at it regularly in September.

The Wait is Over for Small Waiting Objects

In the meantime, my book launched.  Here’s a description of Small Waiting Objects, my debut poetry collection:
Cover of Small Waiting Objects by T.D. Walker

In the near future, kitchen appliances question, console, and bewilder their owners. Extraterrestrials leave behind sub-dermal implants and complicated daughters. A second moon settles into orbit around Earth, a moon which challenges those beneath it to see it, to name it, to explore it. And crew members aboard starships turn to fine and pulp art as consolation. The lyric poems in Small Waiting Objects reach back to feminist utopias and onward toward possible futures in which we find ourselves resisting the technologies—and their human implications—that we most desire.

For more information, check out my website. The book is available from IndieBoundAmazon, and Barnes & Noble. Or for a signed copy, drop by Half Price Books in Dallas on Sunday, July 7th.  I’ll post more events as they’re scheduled.

Speculative Poet Q&As

I’ve been interviewing science fiction and fantasy poets in a new venue, Luna Station QuarterlyI’ll link to the interviews as they are posted.  Here’s June’s post, an interview with Jessica Rae Bergamino about her book, UNMANNED.  In this collection, Bergamino gives voice to the two Voyager spacecraft in poems that challenge how we see the universe and how we see ourselves.

Creativity Talk

In November, I gave a talk at the Fellowship of Freethought gathering on the need for skepticism in creative practice.  No video on this to share, but I’ll post my notes on this soon.

This fall, I plan on writing more on how my worldview affects my creative endeavors (along with more Texas politics), and if I can wrangle some interviews with secular humanist creative folks, I’ll post those here.

In the meantime, is your creativity affected by your secular viewpoint?  If so, how?  And are there writers you’d like to suggest for interviews on Freethinking Ahead?