At The Risk Of More Competition…The Limerick Contest!

I have to tell you (I was just informed myself, as was my source, the good people at the OEDILF) of the International Limericks Competition. (And it is indeed “the” Limerick competition, based in Limerick, Ireland, as it is.)

Free to enter, up to three entries, must be original and in proper limerick form, with a cash prize of 1000 euros (if you are able to attend the final competition–that’s the bad news).

Deadline for entries is 30 July, so get busy!


  1. left0ver1under says

    Is this the inaugural?
    Rhyming with names like “Gorrell”
    Laugable sentence:
    “Poetic License” –
    I’ve no need for doggerel.

  2. Joan says

    Your limerick post dazzled my eyes
    But how quickly a pipe dream just dies.
    The rules for me nixed it.
    No way I can fix it
    To be there to pick up my prize.

  3. Ron says

    When I read them I squint and I blink
    And I choke and I gag for I think
    Each dumb lim-er-ick
    Is what’s making me sick
    The fact is your limericks stink

  4. John Bayly says

    Poor Ron! I am sorry for you!
    Why not splutter and laugh like I do?
    And slick limerick form
    Will one day be the norm
    For religion and politics too.

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