Beck: Blitzer Was Set Up

The forces of spiritual darkness are strong,
As they plot, and they plan, and they scheme,
In support of the atheists’ ultimate plan
To destroy the American Dream

The atheists’ plan is: Pretend to be nice,
While the world goes to Hell (or to heck)
And they probably would have been able this time
If it weren’t for the work of Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck is a master of finding the truth
He’s the best at connecting the dots
Where others see nothing at all out of place
Glenn Beck and his minions see lots

When Wolf asked an atheist woman, on air,
If she’s properly thanking the Lord
Observers were mostly amused by a gaffe
But that’s not how Glenn Beck had it scored

Glenn Beck saw the bias as clear as could be—
Some producer had rigged it, of course—
Propaganda and lies to make Christians look bad,
And to show off the atheists’ force

If the Christians and heathens are equally good
Then you can’t claim religion as why
And Beck himself knows, you can’t credit at all
Some invisible guy in the sky

So it must be conspiracy! Atheists aren’t
Just as good, in the Glenn Beck world view!
This claim, that the godless are people like us…
What a horrible thing, were it true!

Via Rawstory (video at link), Beck’s take on the Wolf Blitzer gaffe:

“I think he was fed some information about the guest he had on beforehand — that’s what producers do — given some questions that he should ask, etc., etc.,” Beck explained. “Some producer, who is sympathetic to the atheist plight or just doesn’t like Christians or whatever it is, thought it was important to point out that, in the middle of the heartland in American where most people are God fearing, there are atheists there too.”

“It’s important because it informs others what they are being taught about atheists from atheism and the bully pulpit and other sources of bias that is not a correct reflection of reality in plain view,” he continued. “We are not fighting against flesh and bone, we are fighting the forces of spiritual darkness. And it doesn’t matter what people’s intent are, but I will tell you that, that was there for a reason.”

Darkness and evil! It’s a bad, bad thing to think atheists are as good as believers:

“Have I done anything this week, have you done anything that would make anyone say, ‘Wow, what is it about them? I want to be like that. I want to be able to provide hope to others in dark times,’” the radio host said. “If you haven’t done anything different than what an atheist can do this week then your light is not shining very bright at all.”

“Because, quite honestly, if there is no difference, I mean, wouldn’t you rather stay at home on Sunday? Wouldn’t you rather just go ahead and just do what you wanted to do and not listen to some invisible guy in the sky?”


  1. JJH says

    “If you haven’t done anything different than what an atheist can do this week then your light is not shining very bright at all.”

    “Because, quite honestly, if there is no difference, I mean, wouldn’t you rather stay at home on Sunday? Wouldn’t you rather just go ahead and just do what you wanted to do and not listen to some invisible guy in the sky?”

    Well, based on that criteria, shouldn’t I expect Beck to come out as an atheist tomorrow? Shouldn’t I expect all loyal Beck followers to come out as atheists tomorrow? Or will they provide evidence that they did something that atheists “COULDN’T” do (atheists could say things to some “invisible guy in the sky,” they just chose not to)?

  2. Randomfactor says

    And we CAN’T have people exposed to reality as opposed to what they’re being taught in church. Where would his listeners come from?

  3. machintelligence says

    “Because, quite honestly, if there is no difference, I mean, wouldn’t you rather stay at home on Sunday? Wouldn’t you rather just go ahead and just do what you wanted to do and not listen to some invisible guy in the sky?”

    Yep! And I have, for the last 52 years.

  4. procrastinator will get an avatar real soon now says

    “Yep! And I have, for the last 52 years.”
    Me too. And it was the right thing to do.

  5. says

    “Because, quite honestly, if there is no difference, I mean, wouldn’t you rather stay at home on Sunday? Wouldn’t you rather just go ahead and just do what you wanted to do and not listen to some invisible guy in the sky?”

    Sales pitches don’t work the way you think, Beck.

  6. leftwingfox says

    The only force of darkness that set up Wolf Blitzer is the void between his ears.

  7. gmacs says


    It’s important because it informs others what they are being taught about atheists from atheism and the bully pulpit and other sources of bias that is not a correct reflection of reality in plain view

    Would you like a French Bile or a Bullshit Vinaigrette on that Word Salad? JJH:

    (atheists could say things to some “invisible guy in the sky,” they just chose not to)

    Yes, but can we do it… with feeling?

    (Side note: I’m not trying to do a crappy sockpuppet thing. You don’t have the same sign-in thing as Ed and PZ, so it screws me up.)

  8. Christoph Burschka says

    Because, quite honestly, if there is no difference, I mean, wouldn’t you rather stay at home on Sunday? Wouldn’t you rather just go ahead and just do what you wanted to do and not listen to some invisible guy in the sky?


  9. says

    Let me just say this for the record. If I’m ever the victim of a natural disaster, or a crime or any other event which attracts a media swarm, and if I ever have a microphone shoved in my face as I’m trying to deal with the consequences of that event — I will tell the interviewer to go fuck themselves. And say “fuck” as many times as I can before the fucking cameras are turned off.

    Fucking assholes. Get a shovel. Hand out water. Buy some sandwiches. Do something beneficial or get the fuck out of my way.

    My pain is not your fucking entertainment.

  10. says

    Let me just say this for the record. If I’m ever the victim of a natural disaster, or a crime or any other event which attracts a media swarm, and if I ever have a microphone shoved in my face as I’m trying to deal with the consequences of that event — I will tell the interviewer to go fuck themselves. And say “fuck” as many times as I can before the fucking cameras are turned off.

    Fucking assholes. Get a shovel. Hand out water. Buy some sandwiches. Do something beneficial or get the fuck out of my way.

    My pain is not your fucking entertainment.


  11. grumpyoldfart says

    Glenn Beck doesn’t know the half of it.

    That CNN producer didn’t just set up the interview, he arranged with Satan to create the tornado so that the interview would have some context.

    And ask yourself this: How did CNN know this woman was an atheist? How did they manage to get her into that particular house all those years ago, and how did they know that the tornado would follow that particular path?

    There is a cover-up here – and I’m the only one who seems to know anything about it !

  12. TonyJ says

    “Because, quite honestly, if there is no difference, I mean, wouldn’t you rather stay at home on Sunday? Wouldn’t you rather just go ahead and just do what you wanted to do and not listen to some invisible guy in the sky?”

    Glen Beck is about to come out as an atheist?

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