A picture is worth a thousand words, or so I hear. This beautiful couple showed up in a local stream, in a pond just upstream of an old mill building.
It’s early spring (duh), and these gorgeous Hooded Mergansers are on their way north. For the time being, they are showing up wherever there is open water. I have shots from four different nearby locations in three days, from a tidal bay to a roadside stream. (click to embiggen, of course)
So that’s where our mergansers have gone. Did you steal our tundra swans and buffleheads too? you waterfowl snatcher, you!
Buffleheads, yes (I may post another pic), but according to the migration map, the white swans I saw were not tundra swans. They were at quite some distance away, though, so I can’t be certain.
Channeling Dana Hunter, are we?
We’re seeing swans but they’re trumpeters, not tundra swans.
Aquatic fowls fly
To the season’s sweetest spots,
Caught in lucky lens.
Don’t work too hard on your site.. make sure you enjoy the summertime too