You Can’t Be Good Without God. That’s An Order.

They say, “You can’t be Good without God”
But don’t let that upset you—
It’s not that it’s impossible;
But rather… they won’t let you.


The orders came through channels,
From some higher-ups above;
They would not stand for atheists
Usurping Christian love.

You want to help the homeless vets?
It all comes down to you—
Not prayer, but real donations
Are the godless thing to do.

So do what’s right, despite the brass
(A general? Good grief!)
Then storm the Fort this Friday, too…
And Rock Beyond Belief!

Seriously, please, go here and read this (unless you already have read Justin’s story). And if you want to be good without god, you’ll see Justin has figured a way to let you be good despite god’s little helpers.


  1. Mattir says

    Cross posted from RBB – I will make a donation to National Coalition for Homeless Veterans in honor of foxhole atheists.

    I’m not military (or a vet), and no one in the military suggested that I donate, to NCHV or any other group. But the military leadership’s treatment of non-believers has been appalling – from the original Rock the Fort events, to the cancellation last year of Rock Beyond Belief to this no-donations-for-homeless-vets nonsense to the refusal to allow atheist groups to meet on bases. So I’ll donate, and do so as an atheist.

  2. D-Dave says

    And if you want to be good without god, you’ll see Justin has figured a way to let you be good despite god’s little helpers.

    I feel a bit shallow that I want to comment just so that I can say This ^, but I’m saying it anyhow. It also reminds me of a fantastic story I read once about a latter-day saints home visit that used a line similar to ‘See? You’re not good /because/ of the bible, but in spite of it.’

    Aha! Here it is: An Unreliable Witness at the Meming of Life.

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