What A Profound And Lifelong Friend We Have In Jesus

What a friend we have in Jesus,
Almost more than we can bear!
If a couple wants to marry,
Same-sex folks don’t have a prayer!
Oh what rights we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because some magic fairy
Says we haven’t got a prayer.

Have we courts and propositions?
Is there justice anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Though the church is so unfair.
Can they still retain their power
With their bigotry laid bare?
Once we look behind their curtain
Will the church still have a prayer?

Such a history of problems;
Can they ever make amends?
Will there be a single mourner
When the church’s power ends?
Still, I offer them this solace
If it’s as the church contends
All the love they have for Jesus?
Seems they’re really only friends.

Context here, and here (Cuttlecap tip to PZ).


  1. rikitiki says

    If I’m life-long friends with Jesus
    Do I really need to pray?
    ‘Cause we’re such good buddy-buddies
    He’ll know what I’m gonna say
    But he will not loan me money
    He justs wants too much of mine
    Then plays the victim card
    Gawd, I hate to hear him whine!

  2. rikitiki says

    (oops, screwed up the rhythm):

    (that line should be) –

    The he plays the victim card

  3. Die Anyway says

    What a friend we have in Jesus,
    Almost more than we can bear!

    Ok. That got a laugh. Then I had to dig deep into the memory banks to remember how it really goes. I haven’t sung that in a long time (50 years maybe). Used to love it though because of the simple melody and rhyme.

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