Weird Dream

I dreamed last night, of termites—big and nasty, black and red—
They poured out from a shoebox and they crawled beneath my bed
A sea of bulbous bodies that was looking for their queen
I dreamed, last night, of termites; what the blazes could that mean?

I (perhaps fortunately) remember my dreams only very rarely. This one was just…icky. Fortunately, I (usually) don’t have to torture myself trying to figure out what my dreams mean, cos they just fade away. I did have one once that I spent three days convincing myself was just a dream.

What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had? And no, it doesn’t have to A) mean anything, or B) rhyme. (reminds me, I did dream an entire dream in ballad form once, in high school.)


  1. Kylie Sturgess says

    Last one? That was this morning. It was Obama and me. He’s always turning up, generally disappointed and pulling at his tie-less collar and muttering something about how HIS country never screws things up like Australia does.

    We were driving a very nice, World War II/ Rocketeer kind of car, the sort that you see in the new Captain America film and it seemed that (once again) I had forgotten the lightbulbs. You see, there was a concert by the band TISM, a reunion tour, and I was working backstage. Obama went to park the car as I went backstage (which seemed to be populated by ex-students, who were less than impressed to see me there) at what appeared to be an open-air venue and the sound booth was in what appeared to be half-a-lighthouse.

    I managed to find some lightbulbs by poking around backstage in a storage cupboard, although I noticed that there was a general store nearby where they could have purchased them… I should have said something, but we were already running late. The concert was great, although all the performers were not only a hell of a lot older than I remember them; mind, the last time I saw them was the mid-1990s and they were, in fact, all men. Now they appeared to be women and not particularly attractive ones, wearing go-go costumes and not very good with the lyrics. They still had the same voices I remembered though.

    Obama had a word with me after, as he does, pointing out not only my failure to adequately manage the follow-spot and give the correct light cues, but how Tim Minchin and the entire cast of the Rocky Horror Picture show were left standing on the side stage waiting to go on and no one thought to give them the necessary signal to release the chickens.

    I might have ended up on a beach in Bali under the bass player of Split Enz, with a red blanket that wasn’t mine. Do you know that people say that the most boring thing you can do is relate your dreams to other people? That’s why I don’t write about mine, unless they involve sleepwalking. :/

  2. says

    I dreamed of termites when I knew my roof was leaking in multiple places, and I couldn’t do anything about it. Finally I scraped up enough money to have the roof fixed, and caulked around all the windows, and the termite dreams stopped. Weird. I’ve checked sillplates all around the house and no evidence there ever were any.

    Those were very unpleasant dreams, so I can sympathize.

  3. manocheese says

    Hehehe. I dreamt my uncle’s ex-wife had more kids, I was looking after one of them. He was a Lego kid. Not built from lego bricks, but a large lego person. I mislaid his head.

  4. says

    I dreamed I was at home and ninjas were breaking in and I had to fight them off.

    Back when I was younger, I thought that if society kept going downhill we’d have to have sentries on the watch for break-ins. As the family night owl, I’d be natural for the night watch. I don’t know if that was related. As it turned out, between the aging population and the legalization of abortion, things have been getting better and better.

  5. Luna_the_cat says

    The two strangest dreams that I’ve had:

    1. Once I dreamed that I was a day on a calendar: Tuesday, March 12, although the year didn’t seem to come into it. I was the date on a calendar. Literally. …I was not pleased with this, because it is not an exciting date (no births, no deaths, no anniversaries, and to the best of my recollection, no deadlines). I kept trying to escape into a better month, like June, but found myself trapped within the confines of the calendar page for March. I didn’t even have anything written on me, and felt myself destined to be forgotten as an utterly bland, forgettable day with shitty weather.

    2. Once I dreamed that I was a Java routine. I was irritated because I had a subroutine with an illegal operation which kept erroring out, and nobody fixed it, and I wasn’t able to disown the faulty subroutine.

    From these (and other somewhat vaguely similar dreams!) I take this knowledge about myself:
    – I am comfortable (maybe TOO comfortable) thinking in abstractions;
    – I spend a lot of my time being irritated at my life not being what I want it to be, because of things I feel I’m prevented from fixing.

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