Republican Congressmen sat in committee
And called, as their witness, young Tommy.
His presence was purely an act to draw pity;
The lad was still stuck in his mommy.
Their witness, unable to swear or affirm,
And unable to raise his right hand,
Looking less like a baby and more like a worm,
Reluctantly took to the stand.
“I’m glad you had time in your schedule to meet us”
The first representative smiled,
“Your perspective is needed; because you’re a fetus
We value you more than a child.”
The congressmen heard him, so loud and so clear,
Though Tommy, of course, had no voice;
(That’s the reason young Tommy was called to be here–
His mother, of course, had no choice.)
Tommy’s Mommy was there as a baby container–
What’s important is, Tommy was there–
If she’d spoken up, they’d have had to restrain ‘er
Cos Mom’s voice? We really don’t care.
You can’t make this stuff up. All over the news, a committee of the Ohio house of representatives was to hear “testimony” from a fetus. A real one, not a doll like New Hampshire’s Bob Smith used to bring to the US House. It appears, though, that the witness was not cooperative.
Cuttlefish, do you get any kind of per-click advertiser pay from your blog? I'm usually content to read what you post over here, since I don't have much comment other than "Brilliant as usual," but if it helps you in any way to be over at your site too, I'll make a point of it. I notice you have a tip jar and the book also, so I'll be looking into that, though this month most of my spare moneys are going to Planned Parenthood.
Thanks for inquiring, CC! As of right now, I have no ads no matter which way you access my stuff. Right now, the tip jar, the books, and the cafe press shop are it (and of those, I have yet to make enough on cafe press to even accrue a first payment!). But I very much appreciate your sentiment, and I hope you enjoy it wherever you read it!
Cuttlefish, your poems are amazing. I've been reading through your archives, and they're so immensely enjoyable that it seemed shameful not to tell you. :D
Oooh, I just knew that this would result in an excellent poem! And lo and behold, I return from class and have my expectations exceeded!
I laughed. Then I cried at the absurdity of it all.Wonderful poem, as always.
I wonder if they are going to go with the one twitch for yes and two twitches for no like in Star Trek.
*blush* thank you, Elise–tell all your friends (or at least the cool ones) and set any public (library, airport, etc.) computers to default here for a home page! Nicole–shouldn't you be studying for that big psych exam? What are you doing returning from class so early? –I mean, thank you so much!Melissa–I'm glad you liked it; I often get the laugh-or-cry reaction to the world. Glad to find out it's not just me.Cyc–Oh, my, why take a chance on *actual* communication, when as is they can put words in the blob-o-cell's mouth? Such a method would give up a bit of their manipulative control, so I suspect we won't see it in my lifetime!
Are they just idiots, or didn't they have anything to do?
Outstanding! Found a link here in a comment at PZ's blog. What a treasure trove. Now I'm late for work. All your fault! I'll be back later.Keep on feeding that dragon!
I'm the newest member of your fanclub. You are one amazingly insightful poet. I don't know how you maintain such creativity with relevant and incisive commentary. Please keep it coming, and I'll see what I can do to fill your tip jar!