Mexico has first dibs » « Sums it up And while I’m at it The Fish Slapping Dance. It’s an important accessory for revenge fantasies. Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditGoogleMoreEmailPrint Mexico has first dibs » « Sums it up
stewart says December 21, 2013 at 4:43 pm I think Michael Palin said somewhere that if he had to choose only one item from his entire career by which to be remembered, it would be the fish-slapping dance.
Ophelia Benson says December 21, 2013 at 4:55 pm Ohhhh there’s so much great Palin; I would have a hard time choosing just one. But the fish-slapping dance is a strong contender, no question.
I snorfle what you did there.
And now for something completely different:
I think Michael Palin said somewhere that if he had to choose only one item from his entire career by which to be remembered, it would be the fish-slapping dance.
Ohhhh there’s so much great Palin; I would have a hard time choosing just one.
But the fish-slapping dance is a strong contender, no question.