More and more and more measles

There was a measles outbreak in Brooklyn in March. That means there was a vaccination problem in Brooklyn.

In March, New York City health authorities saw a sudden rise in measles cases in several densely populated Orthodox Jewish communities.

The disease quickly spread. Among the 58 measles cases reported thus far, a child contracted pneumonia and two pregnant women were hospitalized, according to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. One of the women had a miscarriage.

Very sad, when measles shouldn’t be around at all.

The department traced the outbreak to a person who it concluded brought the virus from a trip to London, says Jay Varma, the department’s deputy commissioner for disease control. Overall, vaccination rates are high in the communities, he says, but the outbreak then started in a small group of families with members who refused vaccines, he says.

Refused vaccines, but continued to mingle with other people.

While measles no longer circulates freely in the U.S., health authorities still battle outbreaks. All states require that children receive vaccinations before attending school, with some exceptions for medical reasons.

But many states grant religious or philosophical exemptions, creating pockets of vulnerability.

In other words, it’s not the case that “all states require that children receive vaccinations before attending school.” Many states don’t require that at all, because those exemptions are freely given.

No doubt it’s all part of god’s plan.






  1. raven says

    2 or 3 out of a 1000 kids who get measles will just die.

    In the third world, it can be 10X higher.

    A kid near me recently died of measles. His parents weren’t even anti-vaxxers. He had been partially vaccinated in a third world country. Some vaccines are heat labile and break down if not stored properly, a problem in tropical third world countries.

    Which means, someone else who was most likely not vaccinated, gave it to him. Thanks a lot.

  2. says

    In all the recent news about Jenny McCarthy joining The View, I saw a quote from her that said something to the effect of: if people have to die for the medical establishment to acknowledge the dangers of the current vaccines, then so be it.

    Barf. I hope her change of venue doesn’t exacerbate and accelerate these sorts of outbreaks.

  3. Matt Penfold says

    We’ve had an outbreak of measles here in Wales. One man in his 20s died from pneumonia brought on by his having measles. Thankfully the public health agencies responded well, laying on special clinics to get kids vaccinated. The local TV and press did a good job as well. Plenty of interviews with specialists in public health, immunisation and infectious diseases, constantly pointing out the research that suggested link between MMR and autism has been totally discredit, and no interviews at all with the anti-vax killers.

  4. Claire Ramsey says

    Despicable anti-vaccine idiots. The other day someone who is a friend of someone on FB replied to a post about public health by reporting that she had “read all the science” and had decided to protect her children by not getting them vaccinated. . . which means she didn’t read any science at all. If there had been an “unlike, you ignorant narcissistic fool” button I’d have clicked it.

  5. embraceyourinnercrone says

    My sister got the measles when she was two, she was born a few years before the vaccine was available. Fortunately she did not suffer any after affects from the disease but my parents were terrified as it was a fairly serious case. I have this second hand from my parents as I wasn’t born at the time. One of my cousins got chicken pox and ended up hospitalized with varicella encephalitis. I didn’t realize until recently that secondary encephalitis was a possibility with some childhood illnesses (chickenpox, measles,mumps, rubella)

    I ‘m old enough to have had chicken pox and mumps (fun!). I wouldn’t wish either of those on anyone.

  6. embraceyourinnercrone says

    I do need to have my doctor schedule my boosters for my next visit, I know I am due for a couple. I’m luck in that they are covered at no charge (Yay university health care)

  7. CaitieCat says

    Yeah, I had mumps and chicken pox when I was a kid. Brutal.

    Not being vaccinated should be a crime, with exemption only for those truly rare individuals who have a medical reason not to. It’s not about one’s own immunity as much as it is the rest of society’s – and isn’t that generally the reason we make laws?

  8. Kate says

    I want so badly to put these fucks into a time machine so that they can see just how fun the effects of polio, rubella, the mumps, etc. were. Or visit a developing country where these diseases haven’t been more or less eradicated. Whatever resonates more.

  9. jeroenmetselaar says

    It is happening in Europe too. Wales has an outbreak related to a low vaccination uptake and we have an outbreak here in The Netherlands that is contained to our bible belt.

    For a telling illustration see created by local municipal health organizations. Blue indicates level of percentage vaccinated, red circles are outbreaks. The dark-blue strip running SW to NE is the little vaccinated bible belt. also has a nice map showing how Wales has the lowest vaccination uptake in the UK.

    This clearly illustrates how measles outbreaks in Europe are directly linked to lack off vaccinations.

  10. spanner says

    There was a confirmed case of measles in Ventura County, CA, a few days ago. Initially there were thought to be up to three others but now they say just one, and enough time has passed that county health says that should be it. The kid with measles is with a group of families visiting from Germany, staying with host families, and health officials think measles was contracted on the plane. So, where did that person end up, I wonder?
    LATimes has a short writeup on this.
    Ventura County Public Health used the opportunity to remind people to vaccinate themselves and their kids.

  11. Pieter B, FCD says

    An online TV news story (one of the Big 3) on the Ventura County case garnered a torrent of antivax wackjob comments.

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