I’m busy sciencing!

Sorry for the lack of posts. My written thesis proposal is due today, and I’ve been working overtime lately to get it finished. To tide you over, I give you what I wish could be my entire Significance section:

Instead I get to ramble for a page about expanding the knowledge in a field and evolution and cancer. Okaaayyyyy…


  1. Eric says

    I most recently saw this comic used on Reddit as an explanation for why a guy had magnets implanted in his fingers.

  2. Stray Cat says

    For whatever reason, students of the humanities don’t have to argue that the 50,000th thesis ever on the naunces of Hamlet’s profound self-pity will help cure cancer.

  3. carpenterman says

    There was an *Invader Zim* episode several years back where he lands on Mars, and is greeted by a hologram informing him that:
    “We, the Martian people, have exhausted our planets resources and even driven our race into extinction to convert our entire planet into a giant spacecraft.”
    When Zim asks, “Why would you do that?”, the answer is:
    “Because it’s *cooool*!”
    Believe me, every male who saw that nodded and went, “Yeah… I get that.”

    By the way, for those of you not yet familiar with *Invader Zim*…
    Well, you are in for a treat.

  4. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    On the other hand, their thesis doesn’t require time on expensive laboratory equipment.

  5. eNeMeE says

    I’m going to have to answer “Because it’s fucking awesome” to a whole lot of why questions in future.

    …and good luck.

  6. carpenterman says

    Now, now… I can speak for men’s reactions, because I am one. I can’t speak for women, because they can speak for themselves. Making broad-based assumptions about women is patriarchal and condescending. Right?
    So ladies… how many of you would think it would be totally worth it to drive the human race to extinction to turn the whole planet into a giant spaceship? Raise your hands…

  7. says

    The scientist looks like he’s saying: “Look, mofo, I’ve been pulling way too many late nights to humor your bullshit; it’s just FUCKING AWESOME, you tool!”

  8. npyundt says

    Yes, judging by the bags under his eyes and the 2-3 days of stubble, he has clearly been up for days living on coffee and junk-food. The problem with asking a scientist why they do something, is they are usually too busy doing the something to explain the why coherently.

    Also, doing things because they are interesting things to do has changed the world more than any other reason.

  9. Dianne says

    how many of you would think it would be totally worth it to drive the human race to extinction to turn the whole planet into a giant spaceship?

    Don’t be silly. It already is a giant spaceship.

    But if you mean, break it away from the fusion reactor and go out exploring independently, I’d have to say no. It’d run out of fuel too fast. Keep it by the local star and send out smaller spaceships. Say, the moon. Totally worth bankrupting the first world to send the moon off to explore Jupiter…

  10. says

    Students in the Humanities also don’t ge nearly the funding that cool sciency types do.. (No NSF’s for them! )

    In any case–writing about how to justify your reason to get money to do stuff–well.. that’s the reality of the business world..so practicing while in Grad school is not a bad idea…

  11. Dianne says

    Should note that I’m not speaking for “women”, but for one particular woman in one particular mood (myself, now.)

  12. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    Now, now… I can speak for men’s reactions, because I am one.

    Men aren’t all clones of each other, dipshit. You definitely don’t speak for me.

  13. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    I think it’s safe to assume that her regular readers are familiar with SMBC, but your *concern* is noted.

  14. Eric RoM says

    I too think that a link and a credit should have been given, despite what the resident twerp wants to scare quote.

    Bad form, Jen.

  15. says

    I meant to give the link but forgot since I hastily made this post as filler. Thanks for assuming the worst about my intentions.

  16. says

    I meant to give the link but forgot since I hastily made this post as filler. Thanks for assuming the worst about my intentions.

    Also, fuck you about the boob comment.

  17. seditiosus says

    So very, very true. And if I was global dictator “because it’s fucking awesome” would absolutely be an acceptable Significance section.

    Best wishes for you and your thesis.

  18. Brakeman says

    Sit up straight and eat your vegetables!
    Don’t slouch, you’re going to be even more famous some day.

  19. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    I remember now; you’re kind of stupid, aren’t you?

  20. julian says

    So you guys assumed Jen McCreight was trying to what? Pass of Weiner’s work as her own?

    You know, most college age atheists (and a fuckton of nerds) know what smbc is, right?

  21. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    Well, what’s more likely – that someone with Jen’s track record just churlishly didn’t bother giving someone credit, or that someone who just said they were drowning in work “missed a spot?” (Hint: it’s the one that lets them pretend they aren’t useless little shits.)

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