With the Reason Rally predicted to get 30,000 to 50,000 visitors, you probably won’t run into me randomly. But here’s where you can find me on Friday and Saturday, in case you want to say hello!
On Friday, March 23 I will be going to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. If you want to join me and let me be your unofficial genetics/evolution geeky tour guide, meet me outside of the main entrance at 2:30pm. This is assuming I don’t have any major flight delays – make sure to check my twitter feed for updates.
I also do not have any plans for dinner on Friday night. If you would like to join me for dinner near L’Enfant Plaza around 8pm, leave an RSVP in the comments. I need to know how many people are interested in order to pick a dinner location. I will update this post and tweet the final location by Friday morning.
EDIT: I have a reservation at 8pm under “Jennifer” for a big group in the dining room of:
Jenny’s Asian Fusion
1000 Water St SW
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 554-2202
Please bring cash because they won’t do individual bills. And I’m not buying, haha. They have a full bar and are open until 11pm.
On Saturday during the Rally, you can find me at the Secular Student Alliance table in the sponsor tent from 1pm to 3pm and then 4pm to 6pm. Note there are two different tents next to each other that will each have an SSA table – so if I’m not at one, I’m at the other.
Finally I’ll be at the FtB/Friendly Atheist afterparty here. Well, maybe. Only the first 150 get in and I have to help the SSA take down their tables, so I may not even get into my own event. But I will try my hardest, even if it just results in me sadly peering into the window as you all point and laugh.
Who’s excited?!?!?!
Too many damn hands I want to shake. I better start practicing now.
I would love to join you for dinner on friday!
It’s going to be so awesome to meet you on Saturday!!
I’ll be the big hairy god with the really tall 11 year old in tow. I will wander by the SSA table hopefully shake your hand.
Sweet! My girlfriend and I are coming in all the way from Seattle as well. RSVP 2!
Ahahaha! That made my day.
What if we increase the temperature that’ll increase the number of collisions and their kinetic energy increasing the likelihood of a successful collision with you?
I have plans earlier in the evening and may not be free at 8 PM, but I’ll definitely stop by later on if I get the chance and you’re still there.
I would love to be one of your many fans who join you for dinner, but teh CFI-DC event is Friday from 6pm to 9pm. Will you be pubbing it somewhere after the dinner?
Put me down as another RSVP for the dinner event – sounds like a fun time!
Not that you’d have any idea who I am, but I’d be free for Friday dinner. Saturday I’m going to the American Atheists shindig instead.
This is a tentative RSVP for dinner (two of us) on Friday, assuming we arrive in time, which we should! We’re driving down from New York (I flew in from Arizona to make the drive). I can’t wait!
Put me down for Friday night. I doubt I can hit the Smithsonian by 2:30, which is a pity, but 8pm I can do! :)
I’d love to do the museum and food!
I’ve arrived in D.C. for the Rally, and I think the Smithsonian tour sounds fabulous. Also a “maybe” for dinner.
RSVP me for dinner somewhere at 8ish! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make the Rally (have to pick the young man up at noon and who knows if we’ll be able to get to the Rally at that point) but I’d love to at least be able to participate in some unofficial event.
I would like to join the dinner
I hope to join you for dinner, and probably one person riding with me will too.
Oh, dear. I rather rashly set aside this week for working on a book, which means Saturday spent at the rally is already putting me behind schedule.
But, you know what? Fuck it. The Reason Rally is only happening once, and you are not in my area on just any weekend, whereas my writing projects aren’t going anywhere. I will stop at L’Enfant Plaza on the way home from work, and I will join you for dinner. My word count goals can be postponed.
Friend of mine (another fan) will be coming to the dinner, too.
Sounds good. Two from PA will meet you there at 8pm!
I will see you all tomorrow night @8 PM at Jenny’s!
I may be able to make it–long-time reader coming up from Kentucky, and I’m not quite certain when we will arrive. If we get in early enough I’ll try to drag my group along to the Smithsonian, and if nothing else than dinner sounds splendid.
I am staying at friend’s house in Round Hill, VA with the family. So no dinner. However I would love to join for the Museum tour. I’ll be there with my almost 21 month old baby. (Look for red jogging stroller with a cute blond haired baby in it being pushed around by a bald man in late 30s :)
Gorgeous day out here on the Mall, in front of the Natural History Museum, with a sound check booming over from the RR stage. Nice drum set….
If it’s not too late, put me down as an RSVP.
Cell phone coverage could get spotty with thousands of people on the maul texting, tweeting, and googling
The gang is gathering on the steps in front of the museum. Get here quick if you want in on Jen’s tour!
At Jenny’s at 8:00, and they have no reservation under your name or Blag Hag? We’ll see you tomorrow maybe.
Oh no, we were there! It was under Jennifer like I said, we had a big table of 20 people right by the entrance, and people were there at 7:45… I’m sorry it didn’t work out :(
My daughter seems to have other plans than doing the tour (hey, she is 21… months! ;)
Anyways, it was so good to see you in person and shake your hand at the SSA table! One of my favorite bloggers! Thank you!