Want to help Damon Fowler?

Hemant Mehta of Friendly Atheist is living up to his name – he’s started a scholarship fund for Damon Fowler, and it’s already raised $3,000 overnight! This isn’t just a fund to commend Damon for his bravery and support of the separation of church and state, or some sort of band-aid for the ostracism and death threats. Damon is leaving to live with his brother because of this, and his parents are likely to remove all financial aid for college. The Chip-In widget is at the very bottom of that post.
If you want to help in other ways, I encourage you to write an email to the school board and administration patiently explaining why this is illegal. Or for more long term help, join a local or national secular organization like the Freedom from Religion Foundation (which is on this case and also offered Damon a $1,000 scholarship) or the Secular Student Alliance (which support high school and college secular student organizations). Cases like Damon’s are going to be popping up more and more throughout the country, and we need to be able to support these students.


  1. mcbender says

    Well, I contributed $20. That won’t make much of a difference, but I’m on a grad student’s budget so…

  2. Sharon Moss says

    I feel like we need the atheist version of the It Gets Better Project. Did the above steps and also messaged Damon to let him know it gets better. You will find a community that loves and supports you for who you are, you can find a similarly-minded significant other, you can have an awesome job– and be an atheist. Maybe I’m just talking to my own inner terrified high school atheist, but I wish I could give him a hug and tell him it will be ok.

  3. Mike Davis says

    Hmm.  Do I give to this or put the money towards bailing a doggie out of a shelter???  To many good causes!

  4. Cecelia LaPointe says

    I’m low income so I can’t help you financially… but I do support you and just read the article about you on Alternet. I am always with those who speak out against all the dumbness in mainstream culture. The culture is dumb and they want to constantly ostracize those who go against the mainstream current. Be bold, be brave and stand strong!

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