I haven’t even been in Seattle for 48 hours, and this is what I just found on the steps leading up to my place:Man, Christians are quick.
Though as I went back to my car to get more groceries, I noticed all the houses had this on their steps. I still like pretending that I’m some infamous evil atheist worth personally targeting with silly evangelizing.
Oh, and the back? Just the same old “Why you should accept Jesus into your heart stuff.” Nothing new to report on there.
I predict lots of new Blogging material for you in the coming weeks……I’m glad this kind of thing really doesn’t happen in Canada.
(I plastered all the houses around Jen’s place so she wouldn’t realize I’m stalking her specifically. And I left Christian notes as a red herring. She’ll never get it!)(OWAIT! >.<)
Oh, they know you are there: http://slog.thestranger.com/sl…Hey, Dan Savage mentioned you!
How did the xians know you needed rolling papers, Jen?
those look old. most of the tracts i find look less 70’s than that!
Now *I* feel like leaving pieces of paper at neighbors’ doorsteps that are blank, except for small text at the bottom, saying, “A message from your atheist neighbor.”
It’s not just the Christians. But elianara’s already got that covered, I see.Now, when are you gonna do your guest bit on the Savage Love podcast?PS: It looks like the poor Christian has some sorta speech disorder. Try to help them enunciate when they come round to say hi.
Right after I’m done crapping my pants, I suppose :P
I get those all the time in Ottawa. Have received them on my windshield at the movie theatre and just retrieved one out of my mailbox last week.
Hey – I got one just like that a couple of weeks ago, and it had a return mail card…which I returned since they only get charged if their frank is cancelled
Funny you mention this, we had a Jesus demonstration today of a ministry that has a really odd message. They think you should drop out of school to find jesus.
In my first appartment, my neighbor across the hall had a bumper sticker stuck to their door that said “Our God is an Awesome God”
This kind of thing does too happen in Canada. Although Canadians, even religious ones, are generally less pushy. *Stereotype Alert*
Gee think you tell god a little secret like where you were moving to without him blabbing to his followers.
When you said “on the steps”, I thought you meant it literally, and I thought “Ooh! Free doormat!”
I did mean it literally. I almost stepped on it while going up the stairs :P
Most atheists probably wouldn’t take this approach, but if you want to throw these evangelists a curve ball, ask them to show you the passage in the Bible that tells people to accept Jesus into their hearts. It isn’t in there. “Accept Jesus as your savior” isn’t, either. Like many other things that believers attribute to the Bible, those prescriptions for salvation have no actual scriptural basis. Not that it would make them any more credible if they did.
Ummmmm……well………the flowers are pretty. Yeah. Flowers.
You can counterattack with the following message:I am the Boobquake Goddess.I am all powerful and can kick Jesus’ ass anytime.I am the way and the truth.I give you life and happiness; Jesus gives you death and suffering.
“No man cometh unto the father but by me.”Is it bad that this immediately made me think of a prone bearded Yahweh and Jesus bending the poor sinner over him while giving him a reach-around?
And as for “accepting Jesus into your heart,” just tell them you’re not that kinky. ;/
I don’t think that has ever happened to me in the UK. We regularly have the same guy in the city centre with a sad-looking sign, but he won’t preach at anyone who doesn’t start a conversation with him first. We have polite evangelists in the UK.
Man, why can’t I get something like that? I feel left out being an atheist in Vancouver.
oh man, i was worried about you until i read the part about all your neighbors having them. After reading about all the other “persecution” (haha, pun intended) you have been getting I got scared for ya for a second! Glad they don’t know where you sleep! Keep on rockin, girl, your work is very valuable to us humans.