Strippers give church protesters a taste of their own medicine

This definitely goes down as a Win in my book (emphasis mine):

The battle that has heretofore played out in the parking lot of George’s strip club – the Foxhole, a run-down, garage-like building at a Coshocton County crossroads called Newcastle – has shifted 7 miles east to Church Street.

Every weekend for the last four years, Dunfee and members of his ministry have stood watch over George’s joint, taking up residence in the right of way with signs, video cameras and bullhorns in hand. They videotape customers’ license plates and post them online, and they try to save the souls of anyone who comes and goes.

Now, the dancers have turned the tables, so to speak. Fed up with the tactics of Dunfee and his flock, they say they have finally accepted his constant invitation to come to church.

It’s just that they’ve come wearing see-through shorts and toting Super Soakers.

They bring lawn chairs and – yesterday, anyway – grilled hamburgers, Monster energy drinks and corn on the cob. They sat in front of the church and waved at passing cars but largely ignored the congregation behind them.

[…]The women don’t come here, after all, without their own version of religion. They bring signs with Scriptures written in neon colors:

Matthew 7:15: Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing

Revelations 22:11: He that is unjust, let him be unjust still

Greg Flaig is executive director of the Ohio Owners Coalition, a group of showbar and club owners. He called the women’s protest extraordinary, saying he’s never heard of anything like it in the country.

George said the protest has been a long time coming. He sued the church in federal court several years ago, claiming a violation of his constitutional rights, but he lost. Now, he said, turnabout is fair play.

“When these morons go away, we’ll go away,” George said. “The great thing about this country is that everyone has a right to believe what they want.”

Maybe next time religious groups try to be the Morality Police, they’ll remember they’re not the only ones allowed to hold protests…


  1. says

    Scantily-clad women and pwning religion, two great flavors united for the ultimate win.The taking down license numbers reminds me of the domestic terrorists photographing women going into abortion clinics, fucking disgusting.

  2. says

    I love it. Here’s another great quote from the article:

    The 30-year-old married mother of six said she has danced at the Foxhole for a decade and holds the title of “house mom.” That means that even though she still dances, she also watches out for the six other women who work there.She said she makes $2,000 a week.”These church people say horrible things about us,” Hughes said. “They say we’re homewreckers and whores. The fact of the matter is, we’re working to keep our own homes together, to give our kids what they need.”

  3. guest says

    That is major win. I stopped for gas in Indiana somewhere one time and it happened to be a stop with one of those “Lion’s Den” stores you see signs for all over the highway, and there was a booth in front of it with a guy sitting there and some Christian signs. I remember looking up their website afterwards… it was basically them taking pictures of people going in and out of the store and trying to guilt them for going there.

  4. Rrr says

    What with being so scorching hot, and already in hell, what choice would they have? ;-) Brimstone and c-thru chorts…

  5. DES says

    Somewhat tangentially, this reminds me of a sign at a rally held by fundamental muslims here in .no: “We want Sharia, not democracy!” Oh, the irony…

  6. pnw_greg says

    I love the thought of any uptight parishioners who are suddenly wondering why their husbands are much more compliant about going to church suddenly … But wait … hmmm … I see how this works now! Gotta go … I have some signs to make with my address on them — I have to start picketing the local strip club every Wednesday!

  7. The Artful Nudger says

    @Never Was:Looked at the article. No mention of the gang members being Muslim. Some of their clients, sure. But you seem to have an unnatural fixation on that detail. Envy, perhaps?Actually, I’ll go further than that, and say that in the same way you speculate on the same activities occurring in the US, I’ll speculate that you stay up nights wondering why you can’t be as oppressive as Iranian mullahs.However, just for the record:Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all false, flawed worldviews depending highly on credulous idiots and mysticism.Happy?

  8. DES says

    I forget, was Ian Huntley (to pick a British example) a Muslim? How about Jeffrey Dahmer? Or (slight change of subject) Timothy McVeigh?

  9. says

    Hmmm. Read your article, NWAA II. The issue seems to be that the gangs are Middle Eastern and Asian and the girls are mostly white middle class. However, I don’t remember reading anything in the article that addressed the religion of either the girls or the gangs. If you are assuming they are Muslim simply from their names, then you are being a racist jerk.

  10. Ryanlangford says

    I love this story, and I’d love to hear more like them.Just yesterday I was reading an article about a guy that got infuriated with abortion protesters and took a camera out and confronted them, and the first thought that jumped in my mind is, we really should be protesting at the churches that support such crap, and I started imagining how I protest such a place (unfortunately, there isn’t very any noteworthy groups like that around here)….and I was really relishing the concept.Fight fire with fire.

  11. MrWainscotting says

    Also from the article: “They’re just mad,” he said, “because their wives won’t let them come to my club.”

  12. Bad Wolf says

    Waiting for the inevitable earthquake to strike Ohio – or Japan – or California, as God expresses His displeasure. <snark>I’m also wondering how many of the fine churchgoing congregation is greeted by name by the ladies…</snark>

  13. brianx says

    I wonder how many of the churchgoers know the strippers rather well… I’m not saying they’ve slept with any of them, just, you know, frequent small-denomination financial transactions. I would imagine the women are not sparing with their friendly greetings to the churchgoers they know.

  14. John Sherman says

    Along similar lines, I have thought what would happen if some atheist group sued a church, trying to force them to teach evolution in Sunday School? You know, to show the kids both sides! A law like that would never pass and in all honesty I wouldn’t serious support such a law, but it would be fun to see the reaction of Christians.

  15. Skywalker says

    If the morality police are the group I’m thinking of, their leader has been divorced at least twice. They’re pretty selective with their inerrant word of God.

  16. Skywalker says

    You obviously haven’t been reading this blog. BlagHag often attacks Muslims. Have you heard of Bookquake?

  17. Azkyroth says

    Unfortunately, walking up to the church protesters outside the strip club and stuffing money into their pants could probably be construed as sexual harassment, if not assault. :(

  18. JD says

    I heard this mentioned on Wretched Radio, which I listen too because it’s easier than driving nails into my eardrums…. Todd Friel felt the need to comment that the women looked sickly and anemic.

  19. says

    i don’t much support going to these clubs and wearing such clothes but i understand that it is circumstances and the environment that force women (or not) into these kind of jobs … so yeah, if the church thinks it can act like that, then the club members are welcome to join in on the fun…

  20. Rollingforest says

    That would only work if Churches received money from the Government. Maybe you could make the argument that their tax exempt status would require it.

  21. Rollingforest says

    That last comment was meant as a reply to John Sherman (11:55) , but for some reason didn’t post directly under his

  22. says

    Britain is PC. Human Rights Comms prevent or scare papers away from telling people they were Muslims. Middle Eastern = Muslims from the Middle East countries (Saudis, Somalis etc)Asian = Pakistanis, who are Islamic.Reading is fundamental.

  23. says

    Britain is PC. Human Rights Comms prevent or scare papers away from telling people they were Muslims. Middle Eastern = Muslims from the Middle East countries (Saudis, Syrians, Lebanese, etc)Asian = Pakistanis, who are Islamic.Reading is fundamental.

  24. Introbulus says

    Woah, my heart is seriously disturbed by this revelation. D: Please keep your organ’s sexual organs to your self’s self.

  25. says

    and if you read carefully between the line George Bush and the Queen are both reptilians.Fundamentalists don’t read, that’s the problem. Also, nice try for attempting to derail the discussion.

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