I’ve made a horrible mistake » « Edgy Yet Friendly (video) SSA Fundraiser over at Friendly Atheist Hemant wants to crush my blogathon fundraising?! How dare he! I… I… well, I guess I’ll help him out. It is for a good cause (the Secular Student Alliance). And he’s giving away prizes! Go check it out. Share this:EmailFacebookTwitterReddit I’ve made a horrible mistake » « Edgy Yet Friendly (video)
Rhacodactylus says August 19, 2010 at 4:39 PM Isn’t it cheating to do it in such an easy way? I demand he blog for 24 hours if he is going to claim the win.
Isn’t it cheating to do it in such an easy way? I demand he blog for 24 hours if he is going to claim the win.