Howdy everyone. I’m still at Stanford for my interviews – taking a quick lunch break. Sorry that I don’t have any real material to blog about; I’m too busy being distracted by the absolutely beautiful campus.
Like any grad school visit, lots of delicious food is being thrown at me, including bottled Coke with real sugar. Yuuummm.
What random food do you consider a treat and wish you could have more often?
Big Mac.
Big Mac.
Steak and kidney pudding
Steak and kidney pudding:-)
Papa Johns Pizza
Papa Johns Pizza
Mountain Dew with real sugar, oddly enough, although soda with corn syrup and with sugar are nutritionally and health-wise both bad for you.
Mountain Dew with real sugar, oddly enough, although soda with corn syrup and with sugar are nutritionally and health-wise both bad for you.
Orangina…that stuff is expensive but good
Orangina…that stuff is expensive but good
In Barbados and other "minor" antilles Islands that's the only way you can find Coke. . . with real cane sugar. It's the best.
In Barbados and other “minor” antilles Islands that’s the only way you can find Coke. . . with real cane sugar. It’s the best.
Can you really tell the difference between the "real" sugar and HFCS? I mean double blind taste test really? And I hope you don't think the "real" stuff is better for you than the HFCS! (Sorry my skeptic alarm went off on that)
Can you really tell the difference between the “real” sugar and HFCS? I mean double blind taste test really? And I hope you don’t think the “real” stuff is better for you than the HFCS! (Sorry my skeptic alarm went off on that)
Toss-up between sushi (from the awesome sushi place near my house), my homemade macaroni and cheese that will leave you full for eight hours, or a really good Angas beef steak. Rare, with pepper sauce.
Goddamnit now I'm hungry.
HFCS may not be good for you, but it doesn't taste like poison. Whatever it is that they use as sweetener in the 'low sugar' Coke tastes awful, and the aftertaste is even worse – aspartame comes to mind, but it could be any one of those godawful fake-sugar substances. Plus, the HFCS is what makes full-sugar Coke so good for staying awake on all-nighters – the sugar boost carries you through the 30 or so minutes that it takes for the caffeine to metabolise.
Toss-up between sushi (from the awesome sushi place near my house), my homemade macaroni and cheese that will leave you full for eight hours, or a really good Angas beef steak. Rare, with pepper sauce. Goddamnit now I’m hungry. HFCS may not be good for you, but it doesn’t taste like poison. Whatever it is that they use as sweetener in the ‘low sugar’ Coke tastes awful, and the aftertaste is even worse – aspartame comes to mind, but it could be any one of those godawful fake-sugar substances. Plus, the HFCS is what makes full-sugar Coke so good for staying awake on all-nighters – the sugar boost carries you through the 30 or so minutes that it takes for the caffeine to metabolise.
Tori, read my post I linked to above for a pedantic discussion of the difference between 'real' sugar (sucrose) and HFCS (a mixture of glucose and fructose).
Tori, read my post I linked to above for a pedantic discussion of the difference between ‘real’ sugar (sucrose) and HFCS (a mixture of glucose and fructose).
Tori, there's a huge difference. Coke with real sugar taste like communism!
Tori, there’s a huge difference. Coke with real sugar taste like communism!
A treat food that I wish I could have more often? I think I'll have to go with chocolate coated strawberries. At least partly because of the conditions normally associated with eating them :P
They really are quite good on their own I find, but there's also the added deliciousness of the fun of eating them with a partner…
A treat food that I wish I could have more often? I think I’ll have to go with chocolate coated strawberries. At least partly because of the conditions normally associated with eating them :PThey really are quite good on their own I find, but there’s also the added deliciousness of the fun of eating them with a partner…
The pre-fried tofu from the Japanese grocery. It's like lunch meat for a vegetarian. (Actual vegetarian lunch meat is disgusting.) Also, fresh tomatoes from the farmer's market. Fried rabbit. I don't really eat animals anymore, but damn bunnies are delicious.
A good sugar alternative is xylitol. It's very sugary, and has about half the calories as regular sugar.
The pre-fried tofu from the Japanese grocery. It’s like lunch meat for a vegetarian. (Actual vegetarian lunch meat is disgusting.) Also, fresh tomatoes from the farmer’s market. Fried rabbit. I don’t really eat animals anymore, but damn bunnies are delicious.A good sugar alternative is xylitol. It’s very sugary, and has about half the calories as regular sugar.
Hmm… I can't think of anything from the top of my head. I eat to live; I don't live to eat.
Hmm… I can’t think of anything from the top of my head. I eat to live; I don’t live to eat.
Some friends of mine, and I actually did do a double blind survey of whether Mtn Dew w/HFCS or Mtn Dew w/real sucrose (Mtn Dew Classic) tasted better. Most people chose the one w/HFCS.
Some friends of mine, and I actually did do a double blind survey of whether Mtn Dew w/HFCS or Mtn Dew w/real sucrose (Mtn Dew Classic) tasted better. Most people chose the one w/HFCS.
Not to change the subject or anything, but have you seen this vid yet, Jen? Pokémon, What Happened To You?
Not to change the subject or anything, but have you seen this vid yet, Jen? Pokémon, What Happened To You?
Coke's on my list, but it doesn't need to be special Coke. My campus has some kind of contract with Pepsi and that's what is in every vending machine, dining hall, and campus food court. My mother makes fun of me because the first thing I do when I come home is buy myself a big bottle of Coke.
I also love snowballs, you know those marshmallow and coconut covered chocolate cake mound like things which are pretty much exclusively made of sugar and sugar-like substances, though I don't eat them that often.
"but damn bunnies are delicious." So, true, so very true. Never had them fried, but cooked on the barbeque, in a stew, or baked works just fine. My irresponsible, drunken father and his equal childish friends kept all kinds of bizarre animals for food purposes, so I've had ostrich (both egg and in burger form, yes, homemade ostrich burger), buffalo, guinea (a type of bird), goat, and ruffed grouse (I guess you have to taste your state animal at least once). I wasn't allowed to have squirrel or crayfish though, because apparantly my parents thought that would make us white trashy, but having an entire barn full of rabbits raised and sold for meat was a-okay. We also had a bunch of bald necked chickens running around. They had some sort of genetic thing because they were all descended from the same bald necked rooster, but those were the hardiest chickens I have ever seen. They tasted just like any other chicken though.
Coke’s on my list, but it doesn’t need to be special Coke. My campus has some kind of contract with Pepsi and that’s what is in every vending machine, dining hall, and campus food court. My mother makes fun of me because the first thing I do when I come home is buy myself a big bottle of Coke.I also love snowballs, you know those marshmallow and coconut covered chocolate cake mound like things which are pretty much exclusively made of sugar and sugar-like substances, though I don’t eat them that often.”but damn bunnies are delicious.” So, true, so very true. Never had them fried, but cooked on the barbeque, in a stew, or baked works just fine. My irresponsible, drunken father and his equal childish friends kept all kinds of bizarre animals for food purposes, so I’ve had ostrich (both egg and in burger form, yes, homemade ostrich burger), buffalo, guinea (a type of bird), goat, and ruffed grouse (I guess you have to taste your state animal at least once). I wasn’t allowed to have squirrel or crayfish though, because apparantly my parents thought that would make us white trashy, but having an entire barn full of rabbits raised and sold for meat was a-okay. We also had a bunch of bald necked chickens running around. They had some sort of genetic thing because they were all descended from the same bald necked rooster, but those were the hardiest chickens I have ever seen. They tasted just like any other chicken though.
Hard cider on tap (as in the UK).
Pibil (Yucatan-style pit cooked pork, chicken, or turkey). For that matter, authentic Mexican food of almost any kind. What we gringos get in most of the US bears only a fleeting resemblance. Even the little family owned joints that cater to Mexicans often just scratch the surface but at least you can get real tacos.
Hard cider on tap (as in the UK).Pibil (Yucatan-style pit cooked pork, chicken, or turkey). For that matter, authentic Mexican food of almost any kind. What we gringos get in most of the US bears only a fleeting resemblance. Even the little family owned joints that cater to Mexicans often just scratch the surface but at least you can get real tacos.
Really expensive chocolate I have to send away for, like See's or Lake Champlain's. Easily accessible cheap chocolate just isn't the same.
Or bread pudding. Warm, with some kind of alcoholic sauce, like ameretto or whiskey. And ice cream.
Really expensive chocolate I have to send away for, like See’s or Lake Champlain’s. Easily accessible cheap chocolate just isn’t the same. Or bread pudding. Warm, with some kind of alcoholic sauce, like ameretto or whiskey. And ice cream.
Real sugar coke is different (better? I think so too), it doesn't make my teeth feel funny the way the other stuff does. The other real difference is that at least typically, it is packaged in a smaller quantity, which means you consume fewer calories before it goes flat…
But if I could remove the calories from one thing, it might be raw cookie dough, or 'cookies tartare'.
Real sugar coke is different (better? I think so too), it doesn’t make my teeth feel funny the way the other stuff does. The other real difference is that at least typically, it is packaged in a smaller quantity, which means you consume fewer calories before it goes flat…But if I could remove the calories from one thing, it might be raw cookie dough, or ‘cookies tartare’.
Sushi – it's just too pricey too have all the time (grocery store sushi is cheaper than fresh, but the cold rice just isn't as good).
Sushi – it’s just too pricey too have all the time (grocery store sushi is cheaper than fresh, but the cold rice just isn’t as good).
Tori, I can definitely taste a difference between cane sugar and corn syrup. It's not a health thing at all. I'm certainly not in favor of banning corn syrup, it has it's uses, but I prefer the taste of cane sugar. I don't know why you'd doubt that different types of sugar would taste different.
That's one thing that's nice if you move to California. During Passover, buy the coke in the two litre bottles with the yellow caps. They're Kosher for passover and made with Sugar instead of corn syrup.
That said, if it's a food I consider a treat, it isn't something I want to have more often. If I have it more often, it stops being a treat.
Tori, I can definitely taste a difference between cane sugar and corn syrup. It’s not a health thing at all. I’m certainly not in favor of banning corn syrup, it has it’s uses, but I prefer the taste of cane sugar. I don’t know why you’d doubt that different types of sugar would taste different.That’s one thing that’s nice if you move to California. During Passover, buy the coke in the two litre bottles with the yellow caps. They’re Kosher for passover and made with Sugar instead of corn syrup.That said, if it’s a food I consider a treat, it isn’t something I want to have more often. If I have it more often, it stops being a treat.
Good Old Liver & Onions! I practically grew up on the stuff (working class, South Side Irish, Chicago, the 'Fifties, do the math). But it's so badword hard to find fresh calves' liver any more! A few weeks ago I managed to snag some at Whole Foods, rushed home, fried it up with bacon and onions, mashed potatoes on the side, … MMMMmmmm, I was happy the rest of the week.
Good Old Liver & Onions! I practically grew up on the stuff (working class, South Side Irish, Chicago, the ‘Fifties, do the math). But it’s so badword hard to find fresh calves’ liver any more! A few weeks ago I managed to snag some at Whole Foods, rushed home, fried it up with bacon and onions, mashed potatoes on the side, … MMMMmmmm, I was happy the rest of the week.
Del Taco Nachos. That's the problem with getting older- those delightful snacks taste great but are rife with potential medical problems…
Del Taco Nachos. That’s the problem with getting older- those delightful snacks taste great but are rife with potential medical problems…
MaryLynne you are awful!!! I was doing fine until…. Or bread pudding. Warm, with some kind of alcoholic sauce, like amaretto or whiskey. And ice cream. My G'ma made the best bread pudding, topped with cinnamon and ice cream….Heaven anywhere!!!
MaryLynne you are awful!!! I was doing fine until…. Or bread pudding. Warm, with some kind of alcoholic sauce, like amaretto or whiskey. And ice cream. My G’ma made the best bread pudding, topped with cinnamon and ice cream….Heaven anywhere!!!