Just wanted to say thanks to all the cool people who came to the Chicagoland atheist meetup last night! We had 18 people total, and it was great talking to everyone.
I think it’s a proven fact that dinner conversations with atheists are always more interesting. We decided that GodlessGirl, who claimed to have a “fever,” couldn’t show up because she’s actually Hemant – totally explains her mysterious nature and why they can’t be in the same room at the same time. We also developed a new show to pitch to the Food Network that is a total winner – Kinky Gourmet. Who wouldn’t watch an after hours show on romantic food, aphrodesiacs, and creative uses of whipped cream?
It was also pretty humorous when I first arrived with Mark and Bryan.
Waitress: Table for three?
Me: Um, well, we’re meeting some people here, I don’t know if they’re here yet *looks around for Hemant*
Waitress: Is it that guy over there? *points to guy I don’t recognize at a big empty table* What’s their names?
Me: Uh…well actually I don’t know. It’s sort of like…a club, so I don’t know everyone coming.
Waitress: What’s it for?
Me: Uhhh, atheists.
Waitress: Okay, I’ll go ask! *goes over to the guy*
Me: I really hope that guy is in our group.
Guy: *waves us over*
Me: Phew
Hemant: *appears, lip bleeding profusely, was apparently mauled by a bear on the way to the restaurant* Huwwo!
Oh atheist awkwardness. But the waitress and the restaurant were great; they let us take over the upstairs room so it was like we had a little private party. Definitely need to do a meetup again in the future!
Dam I wish Chicago was in Sacramento.
Dam I wish Chicago was in Sacramento.Kriss
YES, YES YOU DO. One that is planned way ahead of time so I can nab a plane ticket or something. Glad you guys had fun!
YES, YES YOU DO. One that is planned way ahead of time so I can nab a plane ticket or something. Glad you guys had fun!
Hemant was mauled by a bear? How did that happen? Did he call some prophet "bald head"?
Hemant was mauled by a bear? How did that happen? Did he call some prophet “bald head”?
I'm glad to hear it went well! I don't know how you didn't recognize the guy who's picture is all over his blog, but hey!
I'm with Jaki – plan one in advance so we can get plane tix.
I’m glad to hear it went well! I don’t know how you didn’t recognize the guy who’s picture is all over his blog, but hey!I’m with Jaki – plan one in advance so we can get plane tix.
I'm glad Chicago's not in Sacramento. As a former resident of Sacramento, I'd never find anything. However, Kriss the Sexy Atheist, I believe Sacramentals still has a meetup. Granted, it's been a few years, but I still get their email from the yahoo group. Though, when I left, decidedly not as attractive group as you got in that photo.
I would've loved to have come, but would've been easier if it was during a semester
I would’ve loved to have come, but would’ve been easier if it was during a semester
Sounds like fun… too bad it wasn't closer for me.
Sounds like fun… too bad it wasn’t closer for me.
dammit….i missed it…i really need this cuz i just deconverted….
dammit….i missed it…i really need this cuz i just deconverted….