Mystery Injuries

Don’t you hate it when you realize you’re injured in some way, and you have no idea what caused it? Like waking up with a mysterious bruise and not remembering bumping into anything?

I woke up this morning with a weird mark under my chin, the kind a little kid gets when he falls of his bike and skins his knee (or chin, apparently) on concrete. What the hell? Did I join a roller derby team while sleepwalking or something? Actually that would be kind of neat, but I wish my subconscious would let me in on these things.


  1. david says

    Yea, I woke up with a knee injury that apparently occured in my sleep. Took a couple days before it was alright. …weird

  2. david says

    Yea, I woke up with a knee injury that apparently occured in my sleep. Took a couple days before it was alright. …weird

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