This month’s link roundup is late, and to be honest I hadn’t collected any links until the past week. And yep, it’s all COVID-19 related. I see that Skepchick also collected a bunch of links on COVID-19, so I’d check that out too.
Between Panic and Indifference | Red Beard – Red Beard lives near Seattle, right by one of the outbreaks of COVID-19, and gives a personal account of what it’s like. This article is dated to March 5th, and was a preview of what a lot of us are starting to go through, or will go through.
Why I’m Just So Worried About Our Students | Skepchick – Isis discusses problems faced by university students in the face of school closures.
The Fed’s $1.5 trillion intervention, explained | The Week – My reaction to the federal $1.5 trillion injection was “How much even is that? Is it like a million?” I checked xkcd’s money chart and–holy shit! My husband shared this article, which is a bit too technical for me to understand. But the key points, if I understand correctly: a) this is a no-brainer to prevent collapse, b) yes it unfairly favors the rich and wealthy, c) but that’s the tool that the Federal Reserve has available to it, d) a fairer way to rescue the economy it would have needed to come from the Trump administration and Congress.
In personal news, I have a job and am now moneyed. I don’t even know what to do with all this money. Charity recommendations welcome in the comments.