Gay Marriage in the 10th century Church? » « Porn safer than religion Just wow. The kids talked me into watching a movie this weekend on NetFlix. It was called 2012 Ice Age. Some day, I will be avenged. Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMoreRedditLike this:Like Loading... Gay Marriage in the 10th century Church? » « Porn safer than religion
'Tis Himself says May 6, 2012 at 4:10 pm If you want to clear your head, I recommend The Pirates: Band of Misfits. I thought it was both funny and charming. Reply
michaeld says May 6, 2012 at 4:30 pm Hey look it has that guy from jag in it…… still looks aweful. Reply
redpanda says May 6, 2012 at 9:46 pm Apparently the movie studio that made it has never lost money on a film. Reply
ronstrong says May 6, 2012 at 11:59 pm Hard to lose money on a film when your budget is $6.75 and a half off coupon from Denny’s. Reply
Jason Thibeault says May 7, 2012 at 9:38 am You watched a horrible movie, and didn’t mock it mercilessly on Twitter? Sorry, you’re doing it wrong. Reply
MarkH says May 7, 2012 at 3:09 pm Save pictures of them in the bath and show them to their dates on prom. Parental classic. Then say, “that was for Ice Age 2012”. Reply
If you want to clear your head, I recommend The Pirates: Band of Misfits. I thought it was both funny and charming.
Hey look it has that guy from jag in it…… still looks aweful.
Apparently the movie studio that made it has never lost money on a film.
Hard to lose money on a film when your budget is $6.75 and a half off coupon from Denny’s.
You watched a horrible movie, and didn’t mock it mercilessly on Twitter? Sorry, you’re doing it wrong.
Save pictures of them in the bath and show them to their dates on prom. Parental classic. Then say, “that was for Ice Age 2012”.