Ken Ham has declared Darwin’s birthday, 12 February, to be Darwin Was Wrong Day. It’s another brilliant misstep for that bastion of inanity: browse the #DarwinWasWrongDay hashtag.
On #DarwinWasWrongDay you'll also be able to 'pray away the gay'
— Chris Fisher (@FisherSpeaks) February 10, 2015
On #DarwinWasWrongDay Liberty University replaces Oxford and Harvard as most prestigious institution of higher learning.
— Chris (@StumpyMunky) February 10, 2015
RT @jhgr81: It's not gravity it's intelligent falling #DarwinWasWrongDay @AtyHans
— American Atheists (@AmericanAtheist) February 10, 2015
.@TakeThatDarwin On #DarwinWasWrongDay, @Evolutionistrue makes some soup for lunch and leaves it to cool. Later that evening, STILL SOUP
— British Sceptic (@ElNuevoOtroMio2) February 10, 2015
Ken Ham pulls the mask off, revealing he's an advanced gorilla. He announces the begin of the glorious revolution #DarwinWasWrongDay
— Helena Handbasket (@PhyllisCopeland) February 10, 2015
And on #DarwinWasWrongDay, PZ Myers declares that Ken Ham has done something good, and laughs.
Haha, “intelligent falling” is brilliant!
Oh, wait. I think I’m doing this wrong.
I’m Not A Biologist, but I thought it was widely accepted that Darwin was wrong about a lot of things, some of them even biological things.
Feb 12, 2015
Manchester – According to several moth sources, differential reproductive success in the face of predation in an environment whose color background changed with an increase in coal burning had little to do with allele shifts. In fact, shifts in allele distribution were entirely irrelevant to scientific observations, sources assert: “Natural selection, smatural shmelection,” one said. “Have you ever tasted plain birch? We just decided it tasted better with pepper and lacked ourselves some opposable thumbs. You got a problem with that?”
Maybe someone should tell Ken Ham that Darwin died over 130 years ago
Damn. Still wrong.
I guess I just don’t get the format.
Ken Ham, I suppose I’ll just have to make peace with the fact that you’re a natural twit and I’m not.
“We had nutcrackers.” Heh.
On #DarwinWasWrongDay, the power of Christina Hoff Sommers will make Prager University a respected institute of learning.
Another anniversary tomorrow, that’s worth mentioning:
In which play this rather apposite line is uttered:
The point is that Darwin got many things right, including evolution.
Maybe Ken Ham will get something right…some day.
One day a year Darwin gets it wrong. The babble is mythology/fiction 24/7/365.
Richardelguru (#3):
On Darwin was wrong day not being a biologist is a valid and widely respected scientifc credential.
Come to think of it, this gives many of a unique albeit brief opportunity to start a new career in a completely different field. We’d better make the most of it…
Intelligent falling was one of the best Onion articles of all time. I really like the slide in the picture with equations and the hand of a god.
Ken Ham thinks Darwin was wrong? He must really have something against earthworms.
“Ken Ham thinks Darwin was wrong?”
There is your entirely obvious error right there. Ken Ham “thinks”?!
One lousy atheist holiday a year and the christers want to hijack that holiday, too?
It’s the war on Darwin Day! Fight back! Eat a ham sandwich on Thursday!
One lousy atheist holiday a year and the christers want to hijack that holiday, too?
It’s the war on Darwin Day! Fight back! Eat a ham sandwich on Thursday!
‘Ken Ham is Wrong’ will take place between 13 February 2015 and 11 February 2016.
Indeed, Darwin was wrong.
Evolution is more powerful than he imagined.
That’s actually Wikipedia’s job instead.
There is no god but Atheos and Darwin is his prophet. The prophet of Atheos cannot be wrong.