You know those Norwegians — fierce Vikings all, with no respect for the religious. The Students and Academics International Assistance Fund (SAIF) put up a promotional poster, and now the Iranian embassy wants to tear it down (Google translation).
You have offended the feelings of a great nation, said in the letter that SAIH has received from the press chief of the Iranian Embassy in Oslo, Mohammad Javad Hosseini.
I have considered their complaint (well aware that I have no status at all in Norway), and have concluded that…it’s a pretty nice poster. I’d like one.
Kim Jong-il might complain, though. I can live with that.
Caine, Fleur du Mal says
I like it. I’d buy a print.
Glen Davidson says
Bad timing to whine about the association depicted there just after the Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador was exposed.
A tad Godwinesque, no doubt, but when the Iranian government denies the Holocaust, well, too f-ing bad.
Glen Davidson
Ben says
I want shirt with this print on it. :)
Matt says
Fuck Iran.
Holms says
That poster is fucking awesome… and naturally a muslim nation opposes anything granting empowerment to women. Especially if that woman has a generic muslim stand-in (or is that supposed to be Mo?) scared.
Alethea H. Claw says
Do you have a link to a full-sized image? I’d like to read the small print, too.
Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says
Pretty nice? That’s pretty fucking awesome!
Jadehawk says
opposablethumbs, que le pouce enragé mette les pouces says
I want a copy – and the T-shirt too!
Sockjuggler says
I’ve seen one in the entry hall of my faculty, actually.
Of course, I’m not terribly inclined towards vandalising the poor thing (i.e. taking it down) even for a good cause. It wouldn’t entirely give the right impression and probably rob my fellow students of its glory.
I would suggest anyone jonesing for an official glossed version contact the organization directly at
Mirik says
Beautiful! Not even anti-religious perse, just anti-totalitarian. I’d tell them; “You have the right to be offended, just like we have the right to ridicule your totalitarian fascist ideology & belief in imaginary friends for adults & fairy tale books. Have a good day, don’t burst a vain. Or do.”
chrisklemens says
There’s another obvious flaw in their complaint. Iran is not a great nation. There are right near the top of the list of shittiest nations in the world.
Gus C says
Did that guy in the background whack a helicopter with a book? Helicopters are ‘sciency’ and cool, would’ve been nicer if it were the four horsemen on unicorns lol
shoshidge says
totally brilliant poster
Grumps says
I. Fucking. Love it.
Gregory Greenwood says
Ahhh, little clerics are all upset? Let me see if I can find my tiny violin…
What they mean to say is that this poster offends the Guardian Council and the Grand Ayatollah – in other words it ticks off a group of fanatical old men who are yet to notice that it is the twenty first century and not the Dark Ages. Probably in large part becauset there are two giant, educated, unveiled women in the poster. Shock, horror!
Apparently, after the whole Mohammad cartoons fiasco, these clerics believe that they can control what happens in Norway and the world at large by whining about anything that doesn’t conform to their delusions. I hope the Norwegian government and broader society gives this foot-stamping tirade all the casual disdain it deserves.
I doubt that any members of the Guardian Council read Pharyngula*, but on the off chance, it occurs to me that if you become so synonomous with anti-intellectual oppression that people put images of you in the same poster as Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jong-il, Quadaffi and Mugabe then maybe you should whine less and take a long, hard look at yourselves more. Just some free advice from a baby-eating apostate…
* All the open discussion about teh ghey and the sheer concentration of unabashed godlessness would probably make their heads explode.
Neilp says
I want one! Don’t suppose we can buy one anywhere? :D
Alex, Tyrant of Skepsis says
That poster is hilarious.
It’s tough, they can of course be all indignant because the Ayatollah is shown next to the perpetrator of the Holocaust, but then they would have to admit the full extend of the latter.
Sean Boyd says
I would love to have one of those posters. Nice, too, to see that as representative of academics and students, the designers didn’t stick with white European-looking males. A disputing, debating, dissenting woman would have been the scariest thing of all to at least a couple of the baddies shown.
Rey Fox says
Man, I hate to say this, but…
They (the clerics) just proved their (the students) point!
davidct says
The poster is incomplete. It needs a Pope.
RipleyP says
I love the poster, excellent design, implementation and message.
I hope that everyone gets really really upset; I want Iran to have a mega sized hissy fit.
Let them rant and rave and carry on so the mass media picks up the story and plasters an excellent poster and message across the world so people can see a great message and the foolishness of those who would try to discourage the message.
Brownian says
Stalin: “But Robert, I don’t have to outrun them. I only have to outrun you!”
Sean Boyd says
Brownian for the win!
DaveL says
The feelings of a great nation, or those of its dictator?
The Norwegian government should sent the Ayatollah a gift of the world’s smallest violin, with sheet music for the world’s saddest song.
JohnnieCanuck says
I went to their site, where they explain how they collect voluntary donations from Norwegian student fees to fund their work in “supporting higher and informal education for youth in Bolivia, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South-Africa”.
In 2008, they collected 5.9 million Norwegian Kroner (over $1 million USD) from their student supporters.
They do not appear to have anything set up to receive spontaneous donations or to sell the poster. One can hope that they will shortly.
Also I really appreciate the talent of the poster artist.
ed says
…because Iran is a great nation and so it would NEVER oppress a student or an academic!! Wow.
crissakentavr says
I would have to assume the pictured character is an Ayatollah and not Mohammad, since the latter didn’t have anything against schooling and science. It wouldn’t make sense if it were, anyhow, since he didn’t live in the same century as the other guys, either.
I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be Mao and not Kim Jong Il.
Eric RoM says
If it’s Norwegian, why is the text in English?
Alverant says
“You have offended the feelings of a great nation”
What is the justification saying that Iran is great?
Sean Boyd says
From the Google translation:
Rorschach says
A lot o very educated people supported Hitler and Stalin, or Mao. It is mainly religion that withers with better education. It’s a well made poster, but I think wrt the role of education it is a bit confused.
Randomfactor says
Of course the Muslims are pissed off…that woman’s wearing men’s pants and doesn’t have her hair covered.
Neilp says
@32 Educated leaders does not an educated populace make!
Thomas says
You have fans in Norway too, I happen to be one.
Jim1138 says
davidct says: The poster is incomplete. It needs a Pope.
That’s what Kim Jong is looking at. Appoplexy.
Compuholic says
Awesome poster.
As for the iranian officials: You guys really need to relax. You will see a lot more like this in the future.
Caine, Fleur du Mal says
I’d definitely buy the poster. They might be surprised at how well they’d do if they’d offer prints for sale.
Alex says
Well, it’s not really The Muslims that Norway has pissed off. Just the ones that work in the Oslo embassy. They’ve pissed off maybe half a dozen Iranian dignitaries who probably didn’t even forward it back home. Guessing there’s a good billion Muslims who’ve either never seen it or didn’t bat an eyelid.
Besides, since when is “pissing off the Muslims” a healthy hobby for a country?
S says
I don’t understand why you say that kim jong-il would object?
Rorschach says
and an educated populace doesn’t automatically make for a peaceful one. Also, Hitler wasn’t particularly educated, Stalin iirc went to a seminary, and Mao’s grasp on anything other than political theory was also rather limited. I would think that significant numbers of those who collaborate with regimes such as these, don’t do it because of a lack of education. The scientists who developed bombs for the Nazis, for example. Now religion, that’s another matter altogether, because it builds on treating not knowing as a virtue.
Tim Groc says
No wonder the Iranians want to tear it down.
That woman has some of her hair and face UNCOVERED!!!
Dave says
Quite apt, however the inclusion of Stalin is ahistorical seeing it was the educated elites who sponsored him; and he educated a country full of illiterates leftover from Tsarist Russia. Not to mention the recent revision of historiography regarding Stalin after the unlocking of the Soviet Archives no longer suggest the common beliefs about the U.S.S.R.
Although, to say Mao was supported by the educated circles is a bit of a misnomer. He was constantly derided for his idealist failures throughout his entire regime.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
It’s missing a few people (though I know it’s a poster and room is limited).
The Pope (pick one)
Pol Pot
Idi Amin
and a host of others
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Oh and Papa Doc Duvalier. He was a bastard and drove much of the educated population from Haiti.
Bronze Dog says
This is quite possibly the most awesome thing I’ve seen all year. Now we need someone to make a YouTube trailer. Get it in the theater, and I’ll buy a ticket.
Cannabinaceae says
That is a great poster. It would be nice to generate different versions with the user’s choice of shitfuckers.
StevoR says
Great poster, great post, well said.
Louis says
I think the student’s response to the Iranian Embassy should be:
“Dear Diplomats,
We are deeply sorry that you are offended. We would be very interested to know precisely which elements of the poster offended you and in each case specifically why. This is to help us avoid mistakes in the future.
In our poster we gathered together a number of current and former world leaders notorious for their tyrannical rule, their opposition to criticism, their crimes against humanity and their counterfactual beliefs. If you believe our poster to contain errors on that front, please inform us of what those errors are.
Yours sincerely,
I reckon that should light the blue touch paper nicely. All we need do now is stand back. ;-)
Ichthyic says
Dave, whether or not Stalins ENTRY to the stage might have been supported by some academics, when he got there, the purges left nobody out.
many, many, MANY sources showing how academics were purged under Stalin’s regime.
Human Ape says
I feel sorry for Muslims. Just because they have a few problems (daily suicide bombings, disrespect for women’s rights, their breathtaking stupidity) everyone ridicules them.
Luke J says
The Ayatollah was most definitely a fascist dictator, just as worthy of inclusion as any others. To the muslim diplomats who disagree: Grow a moral code, or fuck off.
Ragutis says
Remarkable people the Norwegian youth. Beautiful poster, innit?
robro says
I like this one, but I also want a copy with the Republican presidential candidates on it.
Russell says
“They rise again to fight for …”
Er, doesn’t to rise again entail being buried in the first place?
None of the towering folk in mortarboards look particularly moribund, but the zomboids in the foreground are mostly dead as Norwegian blues, or reds, as the case may be.
What’s the Norse word for Poe?
EvoMonkey says
Rev @ 44 and 45 – I would like to envision them being trampled by the dictators shown because they were too slow.
Sean @ 31 – Thanks, I was wondering who the dictator behind Hitler’s left ear was.
Ichthyic says
Remarkable people the Norwegian youth. Beautiful poster, innit?
yeah, but what I want to know is, would they “Voom” if you put 4 million volts thru ’em.
Ichthyic says
…or maybe it’s the Iranian clerics that want to know…
Walter says
So funny. Iran wants them to take down the poster, rather than stating why Iran is not afraid of discussion… thus proving the point of the poster. Cannot they see this?
Ichthyic says
hmm Robert Mugabe instead of…
Idi Amin?
timberwoof says
Snot mousy dung. He didn’t have those huge glasses.
“Again”? When did the Norwegians piss them off before?
Peter says
“I like this one, but I also want a copy with the Republican presidential candidates on it.”
Don’t forget the Republican president, Barack Obama.
Ichthyic says
“Again”? When did the Norwegians piss them off before?
he’s probably thinking about the Danes instead of the Norwegians.
(they all look alike, you know, to Americans).
didn’t you see my map?
rincewind'smuse says
wait, unless they are amenable to take under consideration the opinions of Norway with what they post in Iran why shouldn’t they fuck right off? The great nation crap doesn’t even merit a response.
suyamariyathai says
the inclusion of Stalin is ahistorical seeing it was the educated elites who sponsored him; and he educated a country full of illiterates leftover from Tsarist Russia.
people as educated and fond of debate as the webbs and shaw supported stalin! it’s as if they had not heard of “opiate of intellectuals”. not to mention the intellectuals who supported the iranian revolution (not just iranians, but foucauld), or were employed by the revolutionary government (soroush, speaking of science), or were invited by the govt to debate (!) philosophy (!) on tv (!). not to mention khomeini was himself educated (and fwiw, anti-ID). and ironically, the revolution increased female education because more social groups felt comfortable with educating their daughters (and now women outnumber in engineering colleges).
a few times there have been discussions on this site of why people do not attend atheist events (fsov of). this thread really sums up why i don’t — the facile poster with its glib assumption that educated and debating people have not themselves been deeply implicated in tyranny, and the conspicuous absence among the villains of any ideology that would cause debate within its target audience; the glib editorian equation of the iranian embassy of norway with “the muslims”; the comments keekeeing that “the muslims” are offended by uncovered women, nevermind that most muslim women don’t cover, et al.
Sam Salerno says
Well, reality can be a bitch sometimes.
PaulG says
Ref, 44:
Oh come on, haven’t the Jackson family suffered sufficiently already? Why do some people need to keep dragging them through the dirt?
Ichthyic says
people as educated and fond of debate as the webbs and shaw supported stalin!
that’s irrelevant as to what STALIN supported, however.
the revolution increased female education
yeah, sure, the Islamic revolution was the best thing to ever happen to academia in Iran!
oh, wait, I meant EXACTLY THE REVERSE.
the facile poster with its glib assumption…
what’s that again? I can’t hear you past all your GLIB ASSUMPTIONS.
paulburnett says
robro (#54) says: “I like this one, but I also want a copy with the Republican presidential candidates on it.”
For sure – Bachmann, Perry, Gingrich…and then throw in Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and a few more recognizable / caricaturable (?) right-wing whacko fundagelicals. It would sell like hotcakes.
Ichthyic says
man, failtag is failing.
people as educated and fond of debate as the webbs and shaw supported stalin!
that’s irrelevant as to what STALIN supported, however.
the revolution increased female education
yeah, sure, the Islamic revolution was the best thing to ever happen to academia in Iran!
oh, wait, I meant EXACTLY THE REVERSE.
the facile poster with its glib assumption…
what’s that again? I can’t hear you past all your GLIB ASSUMPTIONS.
gwen says
Haha! I want one too! I hope they sell them to raise money, I have a feeling they will do well!
No One says
I don’t understand why the objection to being equated to Hitler. According to Irans “president” Adolf didn’t try to have the Jews exterminated. So by extension they should be honored to be grouped in with the poor maligned and misunderstood Fuhrer. Unless of course the Iranians living in Norway are more informed and educated than their “president”… Oops…
Pulkit says
This has nothing to do with muslims per se, does it? It is Iran which is complaining as Iran.
Baktru says
I have actually been there, in ran. Quite a few years ago now admittedly.
I must agree, I wouldn’t want to live there, but it was not the worst country I have ever seen. Not by a longshot.
For instance:
the revolution increased female education because more social groups felt comfortable with educating their daughters (and now women outnumber in engineering colleges).
That certainly seemed true. It was the only customer I have seen worldwide where the women outnumbered the men in the IT department.
This was before the riots started a while ago though, but there seemed to already be a strong undercurrent against the government then, and many of the educated Iranians I met had the same goal: save up and get out of there to go live in another country.
Quite an interesting place to visit in person actually, Tehran was not what I had expected.
eigenperson says
#74 Baktru:
Given that Iranians were first and foremost interested in leaving the country, according to you, isn’t it possible that the women outnumbered the men in IT because the men had privilege that allowed them access to enough money to move to other countries, while the women didn’t?
Ichthyic says
the educated Iranians I met had the same goal: save up and get out of there to go live in another country.
The brain drain there has been getting progressively worse and worse, as extreme Islamism has gained more and more sway there since the revolution, even if that wasn’t really the intent of the revolution to begin with.
of course, it’s more than just running away from the extremism; the impacts on the economy are being felt there too.
so, both direct and indirect effects of extremism there.
and shit like this kind of inane attempt at claiming offense from a fucking poster is not helping investor confidence either, that’s for sure.
Ichthyic says
isn’t it possible that the women outnumbered the men in IT because the men had privilege that allowed them access to enough money to move to other countries, while the women didn’t?
ditto interest in that question.
Pyromancer says
I think more Iranian diplomats need to be offended more often.
Any guys in Vancouver want to meet me outside the Iranian consulate for a smooch? I’m not gay, but to piss off a cleric…
Baktru says
@Ichtyic and Eigenperson: I wouldn’t know. Most of them were married and I would assume that if they could, they would leave the country with their husbands as well, but that is pretty much speculation. I didn’t exactly have as many watercooler chats with the women as I did with the men.
Snowshoe the Canuck says
I want one. Now. Gimme.
Seriously, the Norwegian students should consider selling the poster as a fund raiser for some worthwhile charity such as a women’s shelter or food bank. I would definitely post it my science class and I’m sure some of those radical
socialistssocial studies teachers would want their own.David Marjanović, OM says
How childish to call oneself a great nation. I thought only Americans did that anymore.
Stalin supported the pseudoscientists Lysenko (biology) and Marr (linguistics) and had their critics sent to Siberia. To say that acquired characteristics are not hinerited was seriously bad for one’s health.
Ichthyic, the brain drain was really bad under the Shah. That guy actually repeatedly closed the universities for years because students were such troublemakers. There were more Iranian intellectuals abroad than in the country. In short, it’s entirely possible that the Islamic Revolution was an improvement in that respect even though it still didn’t get Iran off the no. 1 spot.
David Marjanović, OM says
Wow. A long-range typo for inherited.
shripathikamath says
The omission of The Pope is telling.
OTOH, if you add in Obama, draw crosses on those books, and remove the slogans, it becomes the perfect Tea Party poster.
Circe says
chrisklemens at #12:
There, fixed that for you. It is a pity that the great nation of Iran has the government it has now, and it is not the nation that is entirely to blame for it: foreign geopolitics seems to have played a major role.
Circe says
….Though as David M. (I am sorry I can’t type the accents and I don’t want to completely mangle the name) pointed out, it does sound a bit funny to refer to your own nation as a great nation, at least when addressing people from other nations. I also shared his suspicion that this phenomenon existed only in certain American circles now (and those circles probably wouldn’t even mind adding an -est suffix), but reserved my opinion since I am not American (and not Iranian either).
Sally Strange, OM says
I recently got one of the best haircuts in my life from an Iranian woman, who immigrated ten years ago and was formerly a paralegal when she lived in Iran.
She says she would like to go back, but she is too scared. When her cousin went back recently, the government detained him and forced him to stay four months more than he intended, questioning him and occasionally beating him up. She said that many Persians aren’t even aware of the Green Revolution.
Circe is correct. Iran is a wonderful country, with a horrible government.
Ichthyic says
In short, it’s entirely possible that the Islamic Revolution was an improvement in that respect even though it still didn’t get Iran off the no. 1 spot.
so from despotic extremism to religious extremism, both accomplishing the same goal in the end.
JediBear says
I’m not aware of any significant period of history when the Great Nation of Iran had a remotely decent government. The best you could ever say about it was that it often was not the worst.
JediBear says
The choice of dictatorial figures in the poster is correct because they all suppressed debate and dissent. In fact, that’s the single surest marker of an illegitimate tyranny. That’s why so many Americans were concerned when it became “unpatriotic” to criticize our President.
Fortunately, Fox News now allows us to dissent, as long as we stick to their approved talking points.
Ichthyic says
Fortunately, Fox News now allows us to dissent, as long as we stick to their approved talking points.
gpiotr says
The Pope isn’t missing. He’s flying in one of the copters.
See here.
Mirthful says
Sharing this on Google+, but you’ve fallen in the obvious generalization trap: It’s not “the muslims” who are offended, just “the Iranians” (and probably not all Iranians, either, especially not the ones who are actually educated).
crissakentavr says
I don’t see the relevance of pointing out Lysenko and Stalin – that’s certainly a case for stifled dissent, by Lysenko also went into the dumpster when it couldn’t perform. That was long after Stalin, but that really seems more a case that Stalin could’ve used a few antipsychotic drugs which weren’t available for another fifty years.
Several of Lysenko’s plans we find later would actually work, eventually: Such as growing wheat in a stressed environment and selecting for the best traits of the survivors or mutants that arise. We didn’t know then, but we do now, that the genetic diversity built into any genome expresses a higher rate of mutation when stressed than when in an optimal environment. We still don’t know why, but Lysenko didn’t either.
Ron Obvious says
“You have offended the feelings of a great nation…” Agreed. No one makes fun of the german master race!
Eva @Mostraum Viewpoint says
I’d certainly love to have one of these in my library, and on a t-shirt. SAIH doesn’t seem to have anywhere for people to donate on line, but you can support some of their students on Facebook:
And PZ, you certainly have a bit of status in some Norwegian homes :-)
The Woggler says
What are they complaining about? I spot two Atheists and a nominal Catholic in that poster.
Ray Moscow says
“Great” nations, if there are any, wouldn’t have to say so.
chilitheas says
Kim Jong Il looks like one of those angry birds about to crash :P
Wayne_DV says
There is a 2Mb version of the poster for download from this location:
While you’re on their site, why not poke around and see how you can support their worthy cause?
oddbetten says
the Iranian embassy and some iranian students are claming the poster is an insult to all muslims, the same way Israel takes all critics towards the state as a critic against jews.
This is the major problem with all religion and totaliterian systems.
H.Finn says
Good job…missing a few other fanatics, could have thrown in M. Bachmann, N. Gingrich, H. Kissinger, J. Edgar Hoover or my governor (Rick Scott) maybe a combination of old white men in senatorial attire… let’s be fair, we also have our draconian fascist types.
Alex, Tyrant of Skepsis says
Woggler, they aren’t complaining about the religious affiliation of the people in the picture (the title of the original post is stupid), they are complaining that the glorious leader of their revolution – which is the foundation of their current state – is being chased by giant college graduates.
PhilipW says
it’s missing G.W.Bush !
mathilde says
JediBear # 88:
Ever heard of Mohammad Mosaddegh? And what happened to him?
Matt Penfold says
Sorry, but is that meant to be a serious question ?
If it, I think you have totally missed the point.
Matt Penfold says
ooh, he was who I thought he was.
Runar Myrnes Balto says
The poster is now for sale:
200,- NOK (30-35 USD) for purchase outside of Norway.
Runar Myrnes Balto says
The latest development is that the Iranian embassy is unwilling to meet the Norwegians for discussion and debate. The answer was “they took it to the media so they should answer for it”.
It seems they are aware that the students they are educated, and that they are indeed frightened of the books…
tufte says
Hehe, I stole one from my school just a week or so ago.
The reason it’s in English, is that there’s (atleast on my uni) around 25% foreign students.
Guess I’ll buy one aswell, it’s a good cause worth supporting.
Josh says
Yeah, love the idealistic poster; PZ’s Malkinesque post heading, not so much. Maybe next week Foxman or Netanyahu will say something offensive and PZ will level accusations at “the Jews.”
julian says
That is the most culturally inclusive group of villains I have ever seen.
cogito says
I must have that awesome poster. Anyone know how big they are?
rsm says
““Again”? When did the Norwegians piss them off before?”
Salman Rushdie for one… that caused at least one assassination attempt in Norway. Various Peace Prizes (particularly the one the Iranian Lawyer), reprinting danish cartoons, making messes in the middle east… might be some limits on technology transfers, but it’s been too long since I bothered looking into it. So a couple of items at least.
Ulriq says
The angle on this is utterly idiotic, not something I’d expect from PZ.
I completely support the Norwegian students against the Iranian dictatorship, but to equate the Iranian regime with “the muslims” is as moronic as writing that “the christians are broke” due to the US national debt.
It might have had some merit if the point was that it offended religious sensibilities, but this is a nationalistic matter, and neither is it the people that is offended, but the regime itself.
nazani14 says
I would agree with adding an well-known Christian tyrant to the mix. Franco would be a good choice; I don’t think Pinochet’s image would be well known.
Gilles says
According to this poster there are no educated White Men (nor Black Women)) and there’s twice as many educated Women than Men?
richardwolford says
Yes, that’s exactly what it means.
Gilles says
It looks like the three Educated persons are destroying the city with electric books and helicopters… I think this poster is well-meaning but silly.
Ing says
HAHA it’s funny because it applies to Gilles!
Mike de Fleuriot says
“Did that guy in the background whack a helicopter with a book? ”
Think Black Helicopters and CT’s. Those deserve to be smacked with a copy of Snopes.
Ing says
OOC this makes for an awesome line for a progressive rock song!
Ragutis says
Lighten up, Francis.
Monado, FCD says
As the recognizable people fleeing from the forces of enlightenment are all dictators of one sort or another, the Norwegians can argue it’s about democracy, not religion at all. Nothing to see here!
Monado, FCD says
You can get a high-resolution version here: SAIF Campaign, 2011(English).
Monado, FCD says
The fine print is in Swedish.
Monado, FCD says
I mean Norwegian!
Monado, FCD says
The point of the campaign, according to the link I posted, is to support students who are persecuted around the world:
It then links to more information and suggests things you can do to help.
donald says
I want someone to explain to me how a “nation” has feelings. I got some land up north that is really pissed off with Pat Robertson but does it expect an apology? I think not.
And just to reiterate some of the earlier responses, Iran is not a great nation. When the great nations have a meeting, Iran is not invited. I think the word “great” should have been properly translated as the word: “failed”.
Keep that poster up!
SG says
I think the helicopters are supposed to be attacking the giant intellectuals, like they attack the monsters in giant monster movies. And one of the intellectuals has smacked a ‘copter out of the sky with his book (it’s not electric).
But thought the same thing at first. It’s a little unclear.
And Orwellian slogans like “fighting for peace” always make me a little uncomfortable.
SG says
But it’s still an awesome poster.
Kagehi says
Not thinking in terms of a poster like this, but I am seriously wondering about shopping an “Oliver Twist” poster, for dear Herman Cain’s 999 plan. I need to do more research though, I think the Artful Dodger needs to be one of the Tea Party leaders, but I am not sure if he should be recast female, and played by Sarah Palin. But, I can see the story description now, “A touching story of a young boy in 2014, who finds himself in a world where private charities, and churches, have taken over the task once held by the Federal government, and poor people are paying as much as 19% in some states, in Federal and State sales taxes, and child labor laws have been repealed in many places. Laugh at the antics of The Artful Dodger (Sarah Palin) and the other cast of characters he meets on his adventure through the future.”
Or something to that effect. Sadly, there is an idiot at my job that actually thinks this moron has a “plan” for the economy…
Ichthyic says
According to this poster there are no educated White Men (nor Black Women)) and there’s twice as many educated Women than Men?
I had a snappy retort for that, but the inanity of it just speaks for itself, really.
Mikko says
Sexy eye liner on Khomeini there.
Ichthyic says
It looks like the three Educated persons are destroying the city with electric books and helicopters…
no, but even if they were destroying the city…
The city was housing 6 of the most diabolical dictators the world has ever known!
surely any comic book hero wouldn’t mind a little collateral damage to rid the city of them!
…excuse me while I go join in.
Ing says
Do do dodo do do dodo do
(It’s not electric)
Do do dodo do do dodo do
Pedro says
Salazar could also be included in the poster
asimov says
Excellent, Genial 10. I like a lot.
greetings from spain.-
LS says
If you go to their site, you can buy one for about $35.
JRBendixen says
Just ordered a poster for the mere win and so should you all.
RobertL says
I didn’t realise Hermione Grainger went to Uni in Norway!
David Marjanović, OM says
Just copy & paste. :-)
I can’t type the accent either. I copied & pasted the ć from the Windows Character Map.
Under stress, quick-and-dirty DNA polymerases are used instead of proper repair enzymes. Because this fact increases the mutation rate when an increased mutation rate is needed, it is selected for.
Species8472 says
I ran the whole article linked in the post through Google Translate and fixed up the translation a bit:
argentreivich says
@Josh (110)
I agree with half of your comment and am a bit uncomfortable with the post title. But the poster? seriously?
– “they dispute, they debate, they dissent” but look more to me like being in the process of stomping and destroying (but dictators are running so I guess it’s awwwwrite).
– As to the “Muslims” in the title of the post that’s just lazy, in the quote from the Iranian embassy such word is not even mentioned.
– Fuck Yeah! Fighting For Freedom! With a wartime propaganda inspired poster! Everything I have strived for while getting my degrees…
But “the Norwegians have pissed off the Muslims again” (I can’t get enough of that one)! Never mind the quality of the discourse right? Nothing says “I am an articulate and educated dissenter” like cheap propaganda…
This being said Iran (the real bad guy here) is at it again so there is a real need of defending the right of people to make what is in my mind a pretty stupid (at worst) or pretty badly executed (at best) visual statement. Might even end up buying it…
Ah well. Guess I should just lighten up.
@Jedibear (88)
Your comment is indeed perfect since it started with “I am not aware”.
Strategically Shaved Monkey says
Forget the Ayatollah, where’s Voldemort?
argentreivich says
Ok 144 YOU could make this fun. Your comment is made of pure win.
rodrick says
So, they didn’t piss off THE muslims, they pissed off the embassy of the Iranian Government, a theocratic government infamous for the low support it has from its significantly securalized population. But , whatever, right? Terrorists=Muslim Extremists=Muslims=Arabs=Iranians=The Iranian government, all those stinking brown people that speak funny are all the same, they’re crazy and hate our freedom. Nice follow-up to your “Barbarous Africa” post, another wonderful generalization. And then Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates them and thinks they’re ignorant.
GravityIsJustATheory says
Strictly speaking:
nation = people
country = land
state = political entity
John Morales says