“I’m Voting For The Donald”

My neighbor, Adam, told me
With a sheepish sort of grin
“I’ll be voting for The Donald,
Cos you know that Trump won’t win”

“It’s a protest vote I’m casting
Just a message being sent–
No one really wants The Donald
But they really want to vent!”

“Let’s be serious a moment:
Vote for Rubio? Or Cruz?
Vote for Carson, Bush, or Christie?
Holy crap–I’d rather lose!”

“So I’m voting for The Donald,
Though it feels like it’s a sin–
Yes, I’m voting for The Donald
There’s no way that Trump might win.”

So… the way I write, I occasionally jot something down and completely forget about it. This is one of those; I just found it on a notepad, in handwriting that suggests I might have been asleep, or nearly so. It dates from before Christie dropped out of the race, but beyond that I wouldn’t be able to be more exact. Probably just before the NH primary would be my guess.

It’s not nearly as funny now. Now it’s scary.


  1. says

    All the pundits have been talking about how he’s a joke candidate and all the mistakes he’s made and there’s no way he can win the primary.

    It’s okay, they’re saying. There’s no way he can win in November. I’m not American, I can’t vote, but I can still tremble in fear that they’ll keep being wrong about him. I’ve referred to “President Trump” as a joke before. It’s not funny anymore.

  2. AlexanderZ says

    Trump might also win the general election. The Dems have enough moronic voters who would rather vote 3rd party than Clinton, Bloomberg is itching to join the race as well, which will siphon even more votes, while the GOP will get its usual number of votes.
    Basically, Trump not becoming the president is dependent on both center-left and far-left acting rationally.

  3. says

    Trump not becoming the president is dependent on both center-left and far-left acting rationally.

    There could also be an unexpected event, such as a natural disaster or terrorist attack, which could throw everything back on the table.

  4. AlexanderZ says

    Marcus #5

    There could also be an unexpected event, such as a natural disaster or terrorist attack, which could throw everything back on the table

    Actually, I’m not sure those type of events matter that much (unless it’s on a huge scale with lots of casualties at home). If anything they tend to strengthen the ruling party – just look at Bush and how the switch from “Mission Accomplished” to deep insurgency and civil didn’t have much effect on his popularity.

  5. Arctic Ape says

    In my country protest votes usually go to fictional candidates, most famously Donald Duck. Maybe Americans regard anything non-establishment as political fiction?

  6. CatMat says

    We hear this one over-the-top clown is getting
    the votes of some people who don’t understand
    the ‘lection’s not meant as a conduit for betting
    most people are smarter that you, make a stand!

  7. StevoR says

    The Republican options = a shit sandwich with broken glass and ebola versus a shit sandwich with rusty nails and smallpox or alternatively a shit sandwich with dysentery – all served on stale bread with a cup of cold sick to wash it down with.

    Who’d eat any of those by choice? (And our Aussie choices this year – both major ones – are not that much better either. :-( )

    The Democratic nomination sandwich may not be as tasty as y’all would like. Hey, it may even be bitter, dry or over-cooked but least it won’t be shit. So which sandwich y’all gonna eat and make the rest of world eat with you?

  8. jeffreylewis says

    Some friends of mine actually are voting for Trump in the primaries. They’ll almost surely vote for Sanders or Clinton in the general election (not that it makes much difference seeing as how we’re in Texas). They’re rationale is that as bad as Trump is, Cruz is even worse. So, if there’s a possibility of one of them being elected, they’re doing their best to make sure Cruz isn’t it.

  9. StevoR says

    @12. jeffreylewis : That’s actually true I think – Cruz being even worse than Trump. But neither man is fit for political office. Both are nightmare scenarios for the USA and rest of the world. I’m pretty sure that Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 election but .. if she doesn’t, if the Republicans for then the consequences are just horrific and having Cruz and Trump this close to taking Presidential power is really something we should all be disturbed by.

    (incidentally, both your spellings of their’were correct just one was grammatically out of context. Don’t sweat it, I suck at grammar myself and have made many worse mistakes all too often. OTOH, gee it would be nice if we could edit posts on FTB. Sigh.

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