From last October – Maajid Nawaz explains to Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, Michael Moore, Valerie Plame and Al Sharpton the ideological narrative behind the rise of Islamism. He says it’s a peculiar mix of fascism and religion.
Nope – we’ve seen that mix plenty of times before. Germany/WWII comes to mind.
Folie Deucesays
I like Majid. But I’m wondering if the fascism is intrinsic to the faith? Submission (the meaning of Islam) is a totalitarian concept. Islam provides a Narrative about a perfect book, a perfect man and a total solution for human life. Isn’t totalitarianism the natural result of taking such narrative seriously?
@ 3 Folie Deuce
And Christianity isn’t about “a perfect book, a perfect man and a total solution for human life”?
John Moralessays
Silentbob, way I see it, Christianity’s holy book allows for secularism (“Render unto Caesar”) and so I find it slightly less pernicious than Islam.
@ 5 John Morales
Ah, yes. “Render unto Caesar”. Which is charitably interpreted as, “I support the separation of church of state (don’t worry, you’ll learn about that sometime in the eighteenth century)”. And uncharitably interpreted as, “For fuck’s sake don’t piss of the Romans! You think I want to get crucified?”.
Nothing peculiar about that mix at all.
Nope – we’ve seen that mix plenty of times before. Germany/WWII comes to mind.
I like Majid. But I’m wondering if the fascism is intrinsic to the faith? Submission (the meaning of Islam) is a totalitarian concept. Islam provides a Narrative about a perfect book, a perfect man and a total solution for human life. Isn’t totalitarianism the natural result of taking such narrative seriously?
@ 3 Folie Deuce
And Christianity isn’t about “a perfect book, a perfect man and a total solution for human life”?
Silentbob, way I see it, Christianity’s holy book allows for secularism (“Render unto Caesar”) and so I find it slightly less pernicious than Islam.
@ 5 John Morales
Ah, yes. “Render unto Caesar”. Which is charitably interpreted as, “I support the separation of church of state (don’t worry, you’ll learn about that sometime in the eighteenth century)”. And uncharitably interpreted as, “For fuck’s sake don’t piss of the Romans! You think I want to get crucified?”.