Welcome 2012, let the games begin

The year the ancient Mayans said would be the last. And why shouldn’t we believe in the prognostications of Mesolithic shamans? I don’t know about you, but I’m going out in style. In the past, for decades, I was an avid body nazi, I ate, drank, and slept training. Over the years I tried many workouts the one I found the most effective is called Cybergenics. It’s brutal, but oh, man the results, people would come up and accuse me of being on roids.

Over the last five years I got badly out of shape. But then last year I managed to get back into it even completing an eight week Cybergenic cycle. Before I broke my back in September in I had gotten in half decent shape.  That injury ended that. But now I’m on the mend and my resolution is to get shredded, one more time. I have a great training partner, in fact she’s a female body builder, and I know what I’m doing. If I can keep it up, by the time the end of world rolls around I’ll leave a finely honed corpse. And if the world doesn’t end? There’ll be time to enjoy it!

Maybe I’ll even chronicle the adventure here. Although it’s all a lot easier to blog about than to do.

How about you? Any changes in the works for your New Year?