Stereotypes and racism

The accusations of sexual harassment brought against Herman Cain have generated discussions about stereotypes and racism. Those of us old enough to remember the Clarence Thomas nomination process are familiar with the whole dreary process.

Fortunately, we now have the The Daily Show to cut through the cant.

The Cain harassment story

Herman Cain has been dominating the news and not in a good way. The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert have some fun at his expense.

The crazy anti-science people

The rejection of science by the Republican party and its rabid base is quite extraordinary. To reject evolution is to reveal oneself to be a pre-Enlightenment person living in post-Enlightenment world.

The correlation of pre-Enlightenment thinking with religion is clear. Religious people fear (correctly) that science undermines religious faith and so they can be easily manipulated by big business to reject science and devalue evidence and data because of their belief in the value of ‘faith’, which is merely a synonym for prejudice and gut feelings.

In this clip from The Daily Show, Republican strategist Noelle Nikpour seems to be even dumber than Lord Monckton, in that she never seems to catch on that she is being primed to say crazy things that will make her look like a fool. How can such a stupid person ever acquire the label of ‘strategist’?