SOTU GOP responder accused of lying » « The GOP ties itself up in knots over Alabama IVF ruling More pun fun (Pearls Before Swine) Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditEmail SOTU GOP responder accused of lying » « The GOP ties itself up in knots over Alabama IVF ruling
Silentbob says March 10, 2024 at 3:48 am Okay, this one needs to be cross-posted with the “bob jokes” series. Worlds collide. X-D
Raging Bee says March 13, 2024 at 2:42 am Yeah, that’s a pretty bad pun, if the artist’s own characters are trying to kill him for it.
Okay, this one needs to be cross-posted with the “bob jokes” series.
Worlds collide.
Yeah, that’s a pretty bad pun, if the artist’s own characters are trying to kill him for it.