I had missed this earlier clip from Pie about the British prime minister’s surprise move to bring the former prime minster back into the cabinet as foreign secretary. But better late than never.
Cameron came from a highly privileged background and was a member of the infamous and highly exclusive Bullingdon Club at Oxford University, “known for its wealthy members, grand banquets, and bad behaviour, including vandalism of restaurants and students’ rooms.” Boris Johnson was also a member, as are other members of the British political establishment.
There are rumors that initiates had to go through a pretty disgusting ritual to be allowed in, that was cruel to pigs. While that may or may not be true, what is known is also pretty disgusting, that members of the club would trash restaurants where they ate and then threw money at the wait staff to cover the costs. They also reportedly burned £50 bank notes in front of homeless people.
You would already have to be an awful human being to even want to be a member of such a club.
“…that was cruel to pigs”
Once the pig has been killed and decapitated, I can’t imagine it cares that much whether what’s inserted into its mouth is an apple or your penis. But yeah, trashing restaurants and burning money in front of homeless people has real victims, so that’s terrible behaviour. Someone like that should never be allowed to run a country.
According to WikiPedia the initiation (Piggate) was for the Piers Gaveston Society
“The National Anthem” is the series premiere of the British science fiction anthology series Black Mirror.
In the episode, a member of the British royal family is kidnapped and will only be released if the British prime minister Michael Callow (Rory Kinnear) has sexual intercourse with a pig on live television.
The episode was later compared to Piggate, an anecdote published in the 2015 biography Call Me Dave, which alleged that British prime minister of the time, David Cameron, had placed a “private part of his anatomy” into a dead pig’s head as an initiation rite at university.
That clip is dated Aug 12, 2021.
Rishi made Cameron foreign secretary on 13 Nov 2023.
One of the things I like about this video is that it explicitly addresses the fact that there’s not a shred of evidence that he actually did the pig-fucking thing, but that since it’s entirely plausible given the kind of man we all know him to be from all the other evidence, nobody actually cares whether it’s true or not. He’s a pig-fucker.
It’s a sad indictment of the state of our politics that someone as relatively switched on as Mano Singham could watch it and believe it’s two weeks old, rather than two YEARS. A lot of political satire videos don’t age well. This has aged so well that even people who are paying some attention can reasonably assume it’s current. What a time to be alive.