Ohio dead-enders seek to undermine referendum on abortion

You would think that it has become abundantly clear that people do not like extremely restrictive measures on abortion. While not all of them firmly believe in a woman’s right to choose and some may not particularly like the idea of abortion or want it to be too freely available, the majority seem to realize that exceptions are necessary in the case of rape or incest or when the life of the mother is at risk or if the fetus seems to have serious problems. They also seem to want abortions to be available until viability, or until about two trimesters, which was the standard in Roe v. Wade before the US Supreme Court jettisoned it. Trying to enforce more restrictive measures results in voters coming out in force to reject those efforts, as we saw in Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, and elsewhere.

Given those results, you would think that the Ohio legislature would take a break from trying to have strict abortion limits. But no. In Ohio, even after the recent major defeat, they are trying to get around the recently passed constitutional amendment by passing laws limiting the ability of judges to interpret the language of the amendment.

Republican state house representatives Jennifer Gross, Bill Dean, Melanie Miller and Beth Lear said in a news release on Thursday that they will push to have Ohio’s legislature – not the courts – make any decisions about the amendment passed on Tuesday.

“To prevent mischief by pro-abortion courts with [the amendment], Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,” said the mix of fairly new and veteran lawmakers who are all vice-chairs of various house committees. “The Ohio legislature alone will consider what, if any, modifications to make to existing laws based on public hearings and input from legal experts on both sides.”

Abortion rights advocates plan to ask the courts to repeal any remaining abortion bans and restrictions on the books in Ohio, including a mandatory 24-hour waiting period before abortion seekers can have the procedure and a ban on abortions after a fetal diagnosis of Down syndrome.

Such a move by the Republicans, if passed, would end up in court, and likely go all the way to the Ohio supreme court. That body has a conservative majority but whether it will go along with a measure to limit its own role in interpreting laws is unclear. What is clear is that Republicans are scrambling to try and find a message on abortion that they think they can run and win on, or at least not lose badly, because Democrats are going to relentlessly hammer them for their extreme views at every single opportunity.

The GOP is a real piece of work. They lose the vote and then try to block the courts from enforcing the results of the vote. They have abandoned any allegiance to civic norms.


  1. says

    It’s really very simple. The GOP is always right because they have god on their side (I’m just waiting for the belt buckles to go on sale). If the people say otherwise, the people are wrong. The GOP feels they have to “correct” that situation, any way they can. They’re full-on authoritarians now. That’s the way authoritarians think (and act).

  2. flex says

    Did you really expect that the legislature which tried to change the requirements to vote in a constitutional amendment over this issue is going to stop trying to force their will on the people of Ohio?

  3. birgerjohansson says

    People in Florida whose referendum results have been undercut by the Republicans under DeSantis already know the Republicans have abandoned allegiance to civic norms.
    The question was only how quickly the cancer would spread.

  4. Holms says

    “To prevent mischief by pro-abortion courts with [the amendment], Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,”

    “…As we would much prefer our own anti-abortion mischief.”

  5. friedfish2718 says

    Abortion and Slavery have something in common: the valuation of humans as chattel.
    There is a difference between Abortion and slavery: Death is the centerpiece, the focus of Abortion; Slavery focuses on Labor Exploitation, not Death.
    Abortion and Slavery has something in common: the USSC has given the legal OK to both institutions.
    Abortion and Slavery has something in common: the USSC has not made Slavery illegal; the USSC has not made Abortion illegal.
    The 13th and 14th Constitutional Amendments made Slavery illegal and unconstitutional. The Dobbs decision states that Abortion is not a federal right and states (correctly) that the States can and should decide on abortion laws.
    Different States have different minimum age for marriages. Is there any need to compel the USSC to decide on a federal mandate on marriage minimum age? Answer: No. The failure and consequent abrogation of the 18th Amendment demonstrates the folly of Federal mandates on issues best handled by the States. Unfortunately this lesson has to be learned again and again first hand on issues such as Drugs, Sexual Norms, Education, and Abortion.
    The Left claims to be “INCLUSIVE”. The Left claims to “include” the marginalized, the victimized, the oppressed, the exploited. And yet the Left EXCLUDES the “unwanted” unborn human who merits -- according to the Left- one fate and one fate only: Death via Abortion. “Unwanted” is in quotes for who decides who is unwanted? The parents? Society? If a 2 year-old becomes unwanted by the parents, do said parents have the right to kill the child? The Left is egocentric, with an absolute belief that the Left is the Ultimate Judge. While the Left advocates Abortion, the Right establishes Pre-Natal Care, Foster Homes, Orphanages, Adoption. While advocating for mass migration (preferably illegal), the Left proclaims: “There is no such thing as an illegal human! All humans are legal!!” And yet for the Left, the “unwanted” unborn human is given illegal status and thus needs to be excluded from the community of humans and thus deserves to be killed via the Leftist Sacrament called Abortion.
    A Society that has Abortion as a policy has an innate desire for Suicide.
    In the fear of Poverty through overpopulation, the ancient Greeks used Abortion (and to a lesser degree, homosexuality) as birth control. In Ancient Greece, abortion was used to enforce a zero population growth policy. An abortion culture brings about a degradation of family culture and population decline. The Roman conquest of Ancient Greece was much easier than Roman generals expected. The historical account by Polybius described numerous Greek villages as being half empty. There were no previous epidemics to explain the depopulation. Polybius explained that abortion encouraged various hedonistic drives with men becoming disinterested in building families. Polybius (Book XXXVI), Chapter 5 (Macedonian War):
    “… For instance, take the following case. In our own time the whole of Greece has been subject to a low birth-rate and a general decrease of the population, owing to which cities have become deserted and the land has ceased to yield fruit, although there have neither been continuous wars nor epidemics. If, then, any one had advised us to send and ask the gods about this, and find out what we ought to say or do, to increase in number and make our cities more populous, would it not seem absurd, the cause of the evil being evident and the remedy being in our own hands? For as men had fallen into such a state of pretentiousness, avarice, and indolence that they did not wish to marry, or if they married to rear the children born to them, or at most as a rule but one or two of them, so as to leave these in affluence and bring them up to waste their substance, the evil rapidly and insensibly grew. For in cases where of one or two children the one was carried off by war and the other by sickness, it is evident that the houses must have been left unoccupied, and as in the case of swarms of bees, so by small degrees cities became resourceless and feeble. …”
    One can have a culture of Life or a culture of Death (ABORTION). Abortion advocates are pushing for Culture of Death. The American Left is for Culture of Death. Look at China: in 1980 they enforced the 1-child policy. Now they are in population decline and now the CCP allows for 3-child family with no success. Will China -- at some point -- force its citizens to bear children? Communism, Good luck with that. Socialism is big on Means of Production and people are definitely Means of Production: one can estimate the future value of Production for each prospective baby. The dystopia of “the Handmaiden’s Tale” will occur not under Conservatism but under Collectivism.
    The goal of politics is not providing Truth (Physical, Moral, Societal) to society, is not providing Prosperity (Material, Cultural, Spiritual) for the citizenry, but to accumulate Votes. Harvest them votes by all means necessary, baby!!! It is thus not surprising for politicians to pursue deception, to embrace immoralities (such as abortion) to gain votes. The crowd’s will, the mob’s desire does not define morality.

  6. John Morales says

    Indeed, RB.
    It fails multiply; fractally, even.
    And clearly the friedfishe does not actually know to what the term “chattel” refers.

    Also, the term “unborn human” for a fetus is equivalent to “undead human” for a baby, which always amuses me no end.

    (And a meal is “undigested shit”, in a similar vein; though I admit that emesis is a thing and it might actually be “unspewed vomit”)

  7. Holms says

    Abortion and Slavery have something in common: the valuation of humans as chattel.
    There is a difference between Abortion and slavery: Death is the centerpiece, the focus of Abortion; Slavery focuses on Labor Exploitation, not Death.

    Is this just copy-pasted from your last rant? I remember addressing this exact nonsense comparison maybe two weeks ago.

    Yes. Four weeks rather than two, but this was a pure copy-paste job.

    I may as well just repeat my earlier rebuttal in that case:
    You have abortion backwards. The valuation involved with abortion is self determination, body autonomy, as the one seeking an abortion is deciding who has access to her body’s labour. This is the opposite of chattel.

  8. Silentbob says

    @ 6 friedfish2718

    “Unwanted” is in quotes for who decides who is unwanted?

    The person who is pregnant decides if they wish to continue to be, ya loony.

  9. sonofrojblake says

    @6, friedfish2718:

    The 13th and 14th Constitutional Amendments made Slavery illegal and unconstitutional

    False. Just… I mean, have you ever even READ the 13th? It’s, y’know, widely available.

    Here’s the text:
    “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”

    Do you understand what the English word “except” means?

    The 13th Amendment EXPLICITLY makes slavery legal and constitutional. So, y’know, the opposite of what you said.

  10. sonofrojblake says

    Aside: is there a special school for nutjobs somewhere? I’m honestly curious. Because one of the lessons at that school appears to be “learning to Randomly Capitalise words”. It’s remarkable how common a linguistic it is among such…. people. I’ve been seeing it online now for about 25 years, and it’s a really amazingly accurate guide to identifying someone with shit for brains. I’d be really interested to know where it comes from, as it’s seems such a specific disfunction.

  11. says

    Slavery focuses on Labor Exploitation, not Death.

    So it looks like half-baked-fish-troll isn’t just a really stupid and incoherent forced-birther; he’s also a really stupid and incoherent slavery-apologist.

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