On Christmas Eve, the wife of hate monger and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was arrested by police in their home.
The wife of the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was arrested on Christmas Eve on a domestic violence charge the rightwing provocateur said stemmed from a “medication imbalance”.
Sheriff’s deputies booked Erika Wulff Jones into an Austin jail around 8.45pm on Friday. Jail records showed the 43-year-old faced misdemeanor charges of assault causing bodily injury to a family member and resisting arrest, search or transport. By the afternoon of Christmas Day, she had not received a bond.
Alex Jones, an Austin resident and founder of the rightwing media group Infowars, declined to say if he had been injured or to elaborate on what happened beyond that he believed it was related to a recent change of medication.
“It’s a private family matter that happened on Christmas Eve,” Jones said. “I love my wife and care about her and it appears to be some kind of medication imbalance.”
A ‘private family matter’? This is rich from a man who hounded the families of the Sandy Hook massacre, claiming that the whole thing was a staged hoax, and that they were paid ‘crisis actors’. His followers took up this lie and made the lives of those bereaved parents, already traumatized by the murder of their children, a living hell. Now he wants people to respect his privacy?
It would serve him right if those parents returned the favor by making up all manner of bizarre and disgusting scenarios about what happened at his house and spreading it all over social media.
[Opens downloaded copy of “Steele Dossier” and begins frantically typing…]
Surprisingly vindictive compared to your normal tone, I must say. I actually had to double check to make sure I wasn’t on PZ’s blog.
Not saying you’re wrong though. Alex Jones deserves many things, and unsavory rumors are the least of it.
“Surprisingly vindictive {…} had to double check to make sure I wasn’t on PZ’s blog”
Mark @#2,
Yeah, it was harsh, I admit. But I was incredibly outraged by the way he treated those families. How cruel and callous must you be to make up things about people who have suffered an unspeakable tragedy? By those actions, he forfeited any right to receive any sympathy.
I would not normally think this but the wording of the piece makes me wonder if he was the family member in question or not. I don’t know anything about his family or anything about who was involved in the incident. If he wasn’t so self-centered I might not assume he was callously dismissing an attack on someone else but since he’s shown us what kind of person he is already that doesn’t seem like a safe assumption to make.
Blah. Poor wording. I meant that I’m not sure I should assume he cares about and respects other people when he’s shown us he just… doesn’t.
“Medication imbalance” may be fashy-speak for “overdose”
What kind of person would marry Alex Jones in the first place? Yikes!
^ A member of the far right cult, I guess.
It would serve him right if those parents returned the favor by making up all manner of bizarre and disgusting scenarios about what happened at his house and spreading it all over social media.
It would be very difficult to come up with anything more bizarre and disgusting than the life this creature already leads, he is beyond parody and satire.
I agree with steve oberski @10; and I also note that you can’t shame people who are shameless…that’s just a waste of time.
It seems kind of a sissy thing for Alex to call the cops just because his wife is having a bad trip. If he can’t protect himself from one whacked out woman, what’s he going to do when the zombie liberal hordes bang on his door to demand his gold coins and cans of beans?
Might have been she was on new meds and had some alcohol and there was a bad interaction.