
  1. consciousness razor says

    Creepy guy should put on an ugly headset for the “work” that he never does. And he should be an inveterate tax cheat who is stalking you everywhere, whether you like it or not, instead of merely asking to read your diary. But he does that to everybody. If you’re not one of his competitors, then maybe he hasn’t run you out of business yet, although he’s probably trying.

    He should already be in jail, not roaming freely in neighborhoods where he could be endangering children and pets and the elderly, and this is the one free call that he gets to make. So, I think all you need to do is tell him that you’re not going to be his lawyer and hang up the phone.

  2. John Morales says

    Mmm. Nobody has to use Facebook, but people choose to do so.

    Far as I’m concerned, it’s on them.

    As for the featured cartoon, the person typically says ‘sure!’.

  3. John Morales says

    PS This very blog wants to load and run scripts from — notice the button immediately below the post, under the section “share this”?

  4. bmiller says

    I am somewhat antisocial and have long lost track of…and interest in…anyone from my youth or college days. So I have never had any interest in Facebook. Texts and face to face (hopefully) and phone calls have always been enough.

  5. says

    @ John Morales, #2-3: You just gave the lie to your own assertion that people “choose” to use Facebook. With anything less than full-on multi-level aggressive blocking measures, it is actually very hard for anyone to avoid Facebook.

    It’s the same mentality as “Thank you for travelling with ${BUS_CO}” on buses, when by mutual agreement only one operator serves each route. It ignores the reality that if I travelled with a different bus company, I would not be able to reach the same destination; and since that destination happens to be my place of work, I am under some level of obligation to be there as opposed to anywhere else.

    There ought to be a name for this fallacy, where something is presented as though it were chosen more freely than is actually the case.

  6. John Morales says


    With anything less than full-on multi-level aggressive blocking measures, it is actually very hard for anyone to avoid Facebook.

    I find it rather easy to neither click on the button, or to log into Facebook.

    Not exactly heroic measures, those. 🙂

  7. Janet says

    It is hard to avoid social media if you are a parent whose children are at public schools whose myriad tertiary organizations, from the administration to the PTA to the band boosters to the academic counseling department to individual academic departments and teachers and the clubs they keep, all use these parasitic services as primary forms of communication. I pretty much have to rely on my teenaged sons (bless their forgetful little heads) my less principled (real life) friends to keep me abreast of developments. Making me another sort of parasite.

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