The faux British journalist occasionally targets his rants at US politics and politicians and Donald Trump’s naked racism revealed in his tweets against the four congresswomen of color and the muted reaction by some politicians in the UK and US caught his attention. (Language advisory)
Nice to hear him roast Hunt even though the faux election is now over and Johnson is finally PM (did anyone really think that wouldn’t happen?). Hunt is indelibly Hunt-the-(C-word) to me forthwith!
Pie certainly has a way with words. I’m sure he is cooking up some choice phrases to use for his next blast about Johnson. I look forward to hearing it.
@file thirteen:
Here ya go:
Cheers raym, and it’s great. All hail the flatulent brothers!
(oops, sisters)
@file thirteen Australia, 40 years ago had a conservative federal minister Ralph Hunt, who the members of the parliamentary press gallery privately called “Ralph rhyming slang”.