A different response to the latest massacre

There seems to be something different in the reaction to the horrific school shooting in Florida. Students are taking the lead in demanding that something be done to combat the deadly rampages that routinely occur in the US due to the easy availability of high-powered weaponry. They are calling for a massive demonstration on March 24 in Washington, DC and around the country titled March For Our Lives to demand that action be taken.

Students are dismissing the usual responses that are given by politicians that are essentially excuses to do nothing that are parodied by Tom Tomorrow in the cartoon.

Why this is significant is because high school students are representative of the entire US. College students can be dismissed as liberal elitists. Women can be dismissed as a ‘special interest’ group though they are the majority. People of color and the LGBT community can be dismissed because they are people of color and the LGBT community. But high school students span the entire spectrum of the population.

Watch these students from the high school deliver powerful speeches.

John Oliver reports on this new development.

Will this have any effect? One can only support this effort and hope that it will.


  1. Dunc says

    Why this is significant is because high school students are representative of the entire US. College students can be dismissed as liberal elitists. Women can be dismissed as a ‘special interest’ group though they are the majority. People of color and the LGBT community can be dismissed because they are people of color and the LGBT community. But high school students span the entire spectrum of the population.

    Yeah, but they’re “only children”… Plus, it’s not like they contribute millions of dollars to both parties, is it?

  2. quotetheunquote says

    Well, Dunc is right about them lacking the “millions of dollars” to contribute to the right pockets, but man, am I impressed with these kids. They’re going to be voting soon -- and if the US of A is really a democracy (the point is, I admit, debatable), those craven senators and reps. had better be watching their backs…


  3. busterggi says

    First they started becoming ‘nones’ and now this -- I hope they can survive the proposed theofacist state and restore the country yet.

  4. machintelligence says

    I had never thought I would hear a (slightly modified) chant from 50 years ago but here it is:
    Hey! Hey! NRA
    How many kids did you kill today?
    The last time it was used, it brought down a president.
    All that they had to do was change the initials.

  5. rjw1 says

    If Americans would stop contemplating their navels and look outside the US they would discover that successful gun regulation is possible and also effective.

  6. enkidu says

    I will believe in the possibility of change when the FBI indict the entire leadership of the NRA as accessories to murder

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