Congressional inquiry urged into Donald Trump’s sexual abuse

One of the most aggravating aspects of the recent deluge of sexual abuse and harassment allegations has been that the country’s abuser-in-chief Donald Trump seems to be getting away with it simply by denying, denying, denying, and having his loyal army of surrogates back him up. So I was glad to see that three of his accusers, Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey, and Rachel Crooks, are upping the ante and coming forward and today demanded a full congressional inquiry into their allegations.

Three women who accused President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct have demanded a congressional inquiry.

At a New York City news conference, the trio accused Mr Trump of groping, fondling, forcibly kissing, humiliating or harassing them.

Three of them – Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey, and Rachel Crooks – detailed their allegations shortly beforehand live on television.

The White House said the women were making “false claims”.

Monday morning’s press conference was organised by Brave New Films, which last month released a documentary, 16 Women and Donald Trump, about the claims made by multiple women.

In an interview earlier today, the three women gave details of the disgusting things that Trump did.

I showed the mini-documentary 16 Women and Donald Trump before but here it is again.

It is not easy to charge that the country has elected a serial sex abuser as president. It takes a lot of guts for these women to come forward and challenge Trump, who is a vicious, lying, and unscrupulous man who will think nothing of setting his hounds on them.

They deserve all the support we can give them.

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