Lead poisoning

Lead is harmful in many ways, especially for children’s development, and has been linked to violent crime when lead-exposed children grow up. The terrible situation in Flint has brought the issue to the forefront.

On the latest episode of his show Last Week Tonight, John Oliver tackles the issue of lead poisoning and how, despite being a nation that is great at pontificating about how precious our children are and how it is a scandal that they are exposed to lead, we really don’t seem to care enough to do anything tangible about it.


  1. EnlightenmentLiberal says

    This is one of those things that I wish more people knew about. Based on the available evidence, it does seem extremely likely that at least half of the drop of violent crime from 1980s to today can be attributed to the banning of leaded gasoline. It is a fact that the most effective crime policy has been a particular environmental protection, which I find thoroughly amusing.

  2. says

    It is a fact that the most effective crime policy has been a particular environmental protection, which I find thoroughly amusing

    Yup. Fuck the “war on drugs” -- it should have been a “war on lead”

  3. Reginald Selkirk says

    Marcus Ranum #3: “war on lead”

    But we’d have to use depleted uranium ammo for that…

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