That’s what an Oregon man seemed to think when he started firing all his guns, resulting in bullets penetrating even his neighbors’ homes.
Steven Scholz was arrested after he intentionally fired his gun multiple times inside his own home Saturday morning, hitting neighboring houses and parked cars, reported KITV-TV.
The 66-year-old Scholz said he didn’t have a particular reason for firing his weapons about 9 a.m. at his house on a cul-de-sac in Oregon City.
“I figured I’d just shoot at random because I had all these guns,” Scholz said from jail.
He said he would not have started shooting if he had realized his neighbors were home.
“Hurting my neighbors is the last thing I want to do,” Scholz said. “I love them guys, I would lay down my life for them. They have families, I have nothing.”
His next-door neighbor, Deanna Segura, said multiple bullets ripped through her home — and one barely missed her son.
Another neighbor, Michelle Sandoval, said she heard at least nine gunshots over 20 minutes, and some of the bullets fired through her daughter’s room, a garage door and her husband’s pickup truck parked outside.
If you allow easy access to guns, you will have people who buy them for no real reason and that can easily lead to them seeking some reason to fire them. Or they may fire them simply because they were drunk or otherwise not thinking clearly, as seems to be the case here. Luckily no one died.
AC/DC -- Fire Your Guns
Anyway, this story is so stupid it could have come from The Onion. The passage “he said he would not have started shooting if he had realized his neighbors were home” indicates that he was aware the bullets could fly beyond his house and into others. Even if we grant that he would not have fired if he knew people were home, it still clearly indicates that he had no qualms at all about hitting other houses and causing property damage. What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Such a nice old man -- and still they arrested him!
This is exactly why J. Average American should NOT be allowed to own firearms.
Oregon City is a 15-minute drive from my house, and the first thing I noticed is that KITV, which supposedly reported this event, is Island TV in Hawaii, an ABC affiliate. KITV’s story credits KPTV, which is our local Fox affiliate. KPTV’s own website includes nothing this spectacular, and believe me they would if they had it. I call bullshit.
If her husband didn’t want his truck all shot up, he shouldn’t have left it out in the open. Think, people!