Shark attacks

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution equipped an underwater drone with six cameras to observe shark behavior in the wild off the coast of Mexico. When the great white sharks thought that the drone was either threatening them or was possible prey, the cameras caught some stunning footage of their reaction.

Man, these sharks are scary!


  1. Francisco Bacopa says

    Shark attacks are rare. But if there is any place in the US that is a “hot spot” for shark bites in the US, it’s San Luis Pass in Texas. Yes, data analyzed over a hundred years might indicate San Luis is a shark attack hot spot, but we would have to note that drowning is a much bigger risk near San Luis. The pass is a fairly small channel between the narrow western end of Galveston Island and Brazoria County. All of the Laguna and the West Bay drains out of there as low tide approaches twice a day. These currents are the strongest on the Gulf Coast. Every predator loves this current. Croakers eat the tiny stuff, black drum and red snapper take the middle, and dolphins and sharks move in to eat the larger fish. Pygmy sperm whales show up in better years.

    The point is that even though people have been bitten by sharks near San Luis more than they have been bitten anywhere else and even though San Luis is a twice a day shark feeding frenzy zone, not that many people are bitten by sharks even when conditions are perfcet to be bitten by sharks. In the meantime, people often drown at San Luis. The extreme currents that make for excellent surf fishing can kill you . This is not news, it happens every year even as experienced San Luis fishermen yell at the noobs to back up shore just before they are washed out on the tidal current.

  2. rq says

    The boys loved this -- every shark appearance made them gasp. Then they marvelled at the teeth and eyes. Thanks!

  3. Crimson Clupeidae says

    They were just taste testing it.

    It did, after all, look rather like a large sausage.

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