The Benghazi hysteria

I have been bemused by the efforts of Republicans to make the death of the US Libyan Ambassador and his associates at Benghazi into some kind of major scandal and cover up. You may recall that Mitt Romney tried to do so in presidential debate and got the wind knocked out of him. And yet, the search for the smoking gun continues.

The latest was the sensational report on the CBS news program 60 Minutes a couple of weeks ago which supposedly dug up a new eyewitness who gave a dramatic account that contradicted the official version of events. This was immediately seized on and hyped by those who thought they had finally found the crucial piece of evidence they were looking for.

Unfortunately for them, the story was immediately debunked with the eyewitness being shown to have lied. But have facts ever stopped a good conspiracy theory? The Benghazi story has a life of its own and we are never going to hear the end of it.

Stephen Colbert explains exactly what it is all about.

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(This clip aired on November 12, 2013. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report outside the US, please see this earlier post.)


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