
  1. Nick Gotts says

    I wonder if it was trying to leap the vehicle, and fell short? The angle means you don’t see impala meet window.

  2. CaitieCat says

    No, but you can hear the girls saying, “It’s in the car!”, and then see the door open on the other side and see it come out. I’m inclined to believe that it was panicked rather than clever, but it sure did work for it. 🙂

  3. F [is for fluvial] says

    Somewhere I have a newspaper article from many years ago covering an incident where a deer decided to jump through a large picture window in someone’s house, proceed upstairs, then jump through a second-storey bedroom window.

  4. F [is for fluvial] says

    I’m surprised no one in the car was seriously injured. Good that everyone (apparently) walked away from that.

  5. stevefines says

    I saw that one this morning.

    Just seeing the impalas leap by like flowing waves in the first part of the video was great, but going in the window. Wow.

    I’m hoping that video from inside that car will pop up on the interwebs.

    Seems likely that someone in the car got a bruise or two.

    And lucky/weird that the cat didn’t just follow it into the window.

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