I saw the latest Muppets film over the holidays and it was fun, though not great. But because the villain was an evil oil executive named Tex Richman (played with relish by Chris Cooper), Fox News seemed to think that the film was a brazen attempt at brainwashing children with a liberal agenda.
At the premiere of the film in London last week, Kermit and Ms. Piggy were asked to respond to this charge. And they did with aplomb.
When even Ms. Piggy smacks you around and makes fun of your credibility as a news organization, then you have really reached bottom.
Fox isn’t a news channel, it’s a neoconservative propaganda organization.
Had you seen this other puppetry-related news?
Smack me. I forgot to href the youtube.
Miss Piggy serves a sound thrashing on Fox News and its viewers XD When’ll THAT be up on Eric’s show?
Such as MSNBC is a liberal mouthpiece.
Fox has Bill O’Reilly. MSNBC has Rachel. Both are biased and twist data for their own agenda.
This is why I hate them both.
The only ‘news’ I can watch is Al Jazerra and RT (Russia Today.)
Tex Richman…..TAX RICHMEN! Obvious subliminal class warfare.
It sure is a good thing Fox News doesn’t use most of their programming to brainwash critical thinking skills challenged persons like those filthy liberals do.