I’m back to working on a database access library in C++ and, at present, I’m developing a library of civil time classes that would mimic SQL’s datetime types. In the next two or three days, I hope to have a timezone class ready for prime time; and I’ve decided to document it separately from the rest of the civil time library because there’s no reason why it couldn’t be a stand-alone class in its own right.
I don’t have the final code ready to share yet, but I wanted to make the design available while the class is still under development in case there’s anybody out there who would like to suggest any additional features that I haven’t thought of.
Is there anything else you think I need?
Update: I just found out that Windows’ filesystem does indeed support symbolic links. (I’m not sure what planet I’ve been living on.) I’ve also figured out an easy way to create a .zip archive with the symlinks in it* and unzip that on my Windows box. I guess I have a bit of a redesign to work on.
*I can also create a .tar.gz that’s about one fifth the size of the .zip file, but I don’t see how to get the links as links (rather than copies of the file), and the .zip file is only about 2.5Mb.
Obligatory early Tom Scott (Computerphile) video link: https://youtu.be/-5wpm-gesOY?si=v6uhEGGiuvusSFXn
1. Read how the python datetime does timezones, and the changes that have been made to it over the last few years.
2. Don’t do any of that.