Kona Trip Report–the COVID ain’t over edition

Shortly after my most recent posting, I read a message on one of the WG21 committee’s e-mail reflectors from a fellow who had attended the Kona meeting and thereafter tested positive for COVID.  Several of us thanked the writer for the warning; and several replied that they, too, have tested positive.

I successfully resisted the urge to say, “Told ya so!”; but I did add to my own reply:

There’s a big box hardware store (Home Depot) near me that sells N95s as protection against small airborne particles created when doing fine sanding or grinding.  You might find a place like that near you where you can buy good masks at reasonable prices.  I’m told that N95s are pretty good at protecting me from others, and very good at protecting others from me. 😎

I also resisted the urge to finish with something like, “That last bit is what the Ayn Randians don’t get.”


  1. SailorStar says

    Neighbors of mine went out to Ohio for a family reunion that turned into a 60-person super-spreader event because one family knew they had Covid and went anyway. Of course nobody in the group was vaxed because “Covid’s not real; it’s just MARKETING to make Big Pharma rich!” Take a moment and enjoy the cognitive dissonance for someone to simultaneously believe that Covid’s not real and that they’ve got it…Also, while the vax doesn’t do anything, Paxlovid will fix them right up.

    Covid isn’t over, that’s for sure.

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