Kat Abughazaleh is running for congress. We need more of this: young people rising up and running against the tired old do-nothings currently holding down sinecures in congress.
I really hate having to vote in a blue county in the middle of red Illinois. 90% of the time races are with no opposition to the GOP candidate.
We need more of this: young people rising up and running against the tired old do-nothings currently holding down sinecures in congress.
For sure. QFT.
I’m not too familiar with Illinois politics, so I can’t say much.
The Poster Guy for Deer in the Headlights is Chuck Schumer, Senator from New York.
Schumer seems to be almost completely out of touch with the reality of the USA in 2025. And this is despite being the Democratic Minority Party leader in the Senate.
Supposedly Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned down.
The difference between Nero and Schumer is that, at least Nero knew how to play the violin.
I’m on the West Coast and I will still donate to anyone who runs against Schumer in the primaries. Guy is less than useless since he is taking up space better used by grass and cows.
At least the West coast Senators have been speaking up.
The most visible one is Patty Murray, the senator from Washington.
Bluesky, Senator Patty Murray @murray.senate.gov
When it comes to choosing whether to help working Americans or throw cash at billionaires—you can bet Republicans will choose the billionaires every time. That’s why they’re pushing to slash Medicaid & rip the rug out from under the 1.8 million people in WA state who rely on it.
Seems obvious and true.
At least Senator Patty Murray has the courage to state the obvious.
Where is Chuck Schumer though? MIA.
Guy is so clueless, it wouldn’t surprise me if the person to ask is his minder, the one who helps him dress in the morning and cross the street without getting run over.
Kat Abughazaleh, Jasime Crockett and even AOC is what we need to counter the aggression from the right. There needs to be a strong oppositional front. There will need to be a consolidated effort including private industry, politicians, educational bodies and so forth. What is currently in place is not working.
Every time one of these entities caves to Trump, or does nothing in response, we get closer to being completely and totally suppressed. Or is it oppressed?
Akira MacKenziesays
@ 1
Because the Dems figured out that unless they run white supremacist, gun-nut, Bible-humpers any attempt to run a candidate in rural America is money and resources wasted.
F-bombs and scatology in a political ad. How refreshing.
Thomas Scottsays
Wow! what a refreshing contrast to the usual campaign grovel.
I did notice the keffiyeh hung near the doorway. I’m reasonably convinced it’s there as a middle finger to the right. So much the better.
Kat Abughazaleh has been around for a while and has some name recognition.
She once worked for Media Matters.
The Keffiyeh is no accident. Her father is a prominent Palestinian who married into a Texas GOP family.
Meet Kat Abu, The TikToker Mocking Fox News ‘Just For …
HuffPost https://www.huffpost.com › entry › kat-abu-the-tiktoke…
Apr 28, 2023 — Her father is a Palestinian immigrant, and she’s a seventh-generation Texan on her mother’s side.
Abughazaleh joked that she was born to be a “conservative sleeper agent.” She grew up in a “well-off” area of Dallas and attended private schools up until her sophomore year of high school. Her father is a Palestinian immigrant, and she’s a seventh-generation Texan on her mother’s side. Their conservative household regularly tuned into Fox News.
You need cohesion across society and industry. Every act of solidarity, group resistance, alliance building and push back is adding a new part to the move to revive democracy.
Waiting for incumbent politicians or elections is a doomed path.
I lived in the 8th congressional district of Illinois for 14 years, up until January this year. I don’t know the Chicago side of the district she’s trying to represent (the 9th) very well. I think it’s a mostly middle class part of Chicago roughly speaking. The suburbs to the west that are in the 9th district are generally rather well off. I was looking at housing nearby and there were large chunks of those NW Chicago suburbs that were nowhere near my price range.
So as far as I know that’s the type of people she’s trying to win over. A lot of middle class people and I think a smaller group (maybe a third of the population at a guess? maybe a quarter?) that’s more affluent but spread out over a much larger area. I would also expect the people with more money to have an easier time getting away to vote.
I really hate having to vote in a blue county in the middle of red Illinois. 90% of the time races are with no opposition to the GOP candidate.
For sure. QFT.
I’m not too familiar with Illinois politics, so I can’t say much.
The Poster Guy for Deer in the Headlights is Chuck Schumer, Senator from New York.
Schumer seems to be almost completely out of touch with the reality of the USA in 2025. And this is despite being the Democratic Minority Party leader in the Senate.
Supposedly Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned down.
The difference between Nero and Schumer is that, at least Nero knew how to play the violin.
I’m on the West Coast and I will still donate to anyone who runs against Schumer in the primaries. Guy is less than useless since he is taking up space better used by grass and cows.
At least the West coast Senators have been speaking up.
The most visible one is Patty Murray, the senator from Washington.
Seems obvious and true.
At least Senator Patty Murray has the courage to state the obvious.
Where is Chuck Schumer though? MIA.
Guy is so clueless, it wouldn’t surprise me if the person to ask is his minder, the one who helps him dress in the morning and cross the street without getting run over.
Kat Abughazaleh, Jasime Crockett and even AOC is what we need to counter the aggression from the right. There needs to be a strong oppositional front. There will need to be a consolidated effort including private industry, politicians, educational bodies and so forth. What is currently in place is not working.
Every time one of these entities caves to Trump, or does nothing in response, we get closer to being completely and totally suppressed. Or is it oppressed?
@ 1
Because the Dems figured out that unless they run white supremacist, gun-nut, Bible-humpers any attempt to run a candidate in rural America is money and resources wasted.
F-bombs and scatology in a political ad. How refreshing.
Wow! what a refreshing contrast to the usual campaign grovel.
I did notice the keffiyeh hung near the doorway. I’m reasonably convinced it’s there as a middle finger to the right. So much the better.
Kat Abughazaleh has been around for a while and has some name recognition.
She once worked for Media Matters.
The Keffiyeh is no accident. Her father is a prominent Palestinian who married into a Texas GOP family.
You need cohesion across society and industry. Every act of solidarity, group resistance, alliance building and push back is adding a new part to the move to revive democracy.
Waiting for incumbent politicians or elections is a doomed path.
I lived in the 8th congressional district of Illinois for 14 years, up until January this year. I don’t know the Chicago side of the district she’s trying to represent (the 9th) very well. I think it’s a mostly middle class part of Chicago roughly speaking. The suburbs to the west that are in the 9th district are generally rather well off. I was looking at housing nearby and there were large chunks of those NW Chicago suburbs that were nowhere near my price range.
So as far as I know that’s the type of people she’s trying to win over. A lot of middle class people and I think a smaller group (maybe a third of the population at a guess? maybe a quarter?) that’s more affluent but spread out over a much larger area. I would also expect the people with more money to have an easier time getting away to vote.