Answers in Genesis is thrilled at everything Trump promises to do. You know what else makes them happy? That Richard Dawkins and Jerry Coyne have embraced a Biblical worldview, finally realizing that sex is binary and simple, just like the Bible says. Skip ahead to about 7:30 if you don’t want to hear them fawning over Trump, don’t bother listening at all if you don’t want to hear their appreciation of Dawkins and Coyne (also some guy named Pinky or Pink…they knew there was “pink” in the name).
It doesn’t mean much. These are creationists, they always pick and choose which words they’ll hear. But isn’t it interesting that some New Atheists are converging on a dogmatic religious view?
Horseshoe theory for New Atheists and creationists?
You’re still calling them “New Atheists?” They haven’t been “new” since that phrase was coined. In fact, they may have set a world record for “fastest-aging thing ever labelled ‘new.'”
Funny and ironic that people who have made a career out of being anti-religious have adopted the same thought processes.
Also, Dawkins has been going downhill mentally for quite a few years now, and Coyne may be doing the same. So don’t be surprised if they’re invited to join the Republican Party — they’d fit right in, and might not even need a bribe to do it.
I’m sure if they were awarded the Templeton Prize at this point, they’d both graciously accept.
@3 Adopting it? They’re embracing it, Matt. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was one of their inner circle, already converted to Christianity, but still keeps close ties to Dawkins.
As with also the likes of David Silverman and James Lindsay, who are getting more chummy with the far right.
It’s insane that we’re seeing certain prolific atheists bending their knee to Trump.
It appears that “White Male Christian” is the lecithin that allows “New Atheism” and creationism to combine into a most disgusting dressing for virtually every bigot.
Funny. Years ago AiG shamelessly slammed the two men for their “evolutionary beliefs.” Now they embrace them because of their hatred towards transgenders. I guess this is the way AiG engages in not just doublethink, selective favoritism. Favor the ones who agrees with their biblical fantasies only to shut them out when they don’t. It’s like a kid who loves his mother when she buys him a new toy only to hate her when she doesn’t.
In terms of how religious people see it, there was no ‘new’ about the atheism. My oldest brother is more religious than I, and he was thinking I knew more about this new phenomenon than him and asked me about it but when I explained it he was all …oh, oh yeah.
pathetic old fucks.
thank you so much for not succumbing to whatever these assholes have, PZ