First Canada, then Switzerland

This image was apparently made by a pro-Trumper with a poor sense of geography — I guess they thought you could look out from the Canadian Rockies (or Newfoundland, who knows what goes through the brain of MAGA) and see the Matterhorn.

Someone else later added the Canadian goose preparing to launch a devastating rear assault. Don’t ever mess with the gooses.


  1. Bruce says

    President Trump, from his home in Canada, looking out the front door at Russia, guided by the Spirit Animal sent by Sarah Palin. No explanation for why Russia looks like the only mountain in Disneyland.

  2. Rob Grigjanis says

    Trump’s going over that precipice a couple seconds later. The Yellow-bellied scumsucker is no match for a wild goose.

  3. robro says

    Haven’t you heard? Canada invaded and took over Switzerland. It will soon be the 11th province.

    I encounter geese…gooses!?…nearly every day. That’s depiction is similar to their aggressive pose, although they don’t do the jackbooted high kick. From my experience they’re more show and posturing, and not a serious threat.

    I understand that water fowl, including geese, are an important vector for H5N1 (aka “avian influenza”, aka “bird flue”). Fingers crossed.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    Canadian geese have become common in Europe. And just like seagulls, they crap everywhere.
    Silver lining, they are the only birds who eat the invasive Spanish snails (so destructive to gardens they are commonly known as murder snails).

  5. Tethys says

    There are plenty of rather dangerous animals in the Canadian Rockies (bears, wolves, mosquitoes, etc..), but since that’s actually near Zermat I think an Ibex would be appropriate. A very old, cranky Ram would do nicely.

    Bub-bahhhhhhhhh , taking the fast route into Grindelwald.

  6. says

    Considering Trump’s sexual reputation he’d probably enjoy getting goosed. Mind you if the stories about Trump’s diaper are correct I think the goose would regret it.

  7. birgerjohansson says

    That’s Springfield aka home of the Simpsons.
    I recognise the mountain Murderhorn.

  8. lumipuna says


    Canadian geese have become common in Europe. And just like seagulls, they crap everywhere.

    Everyone hates the urban geese for pooping the lawns and beaches (in Finland it’s mostly barnacle geese, with some Canada geese). But oddly enough, goose aggression is something I only hear about on North American social media. Locally, I’ve heard of swans attacking people sometimes, but not geese.

    Silver lining, they are the only birds who eat the invasive Spanish snails (so destructive to gardens they are commonly known as murder snails).

    Here, it’s said that the nickname “killer slug” originated because these slugs were seen feeding on each other’s carcasses – they’re often abundant and large enough to become conspicuous roadkill on walking/cycling lanes.

  9. StevoR says

    With the goose on the attack it looks like Trumpy is in for a big terminal fall..

    In which case it could be a good first panel in a comic or flip book..

    Some kinda metaphor, hopefully an omen? (Yeah, I know, its bad luck to be superstitious!)

  10. StevoR says

    With the goose on the attack it looks like Trumpy is in for a big terminal fall..

    In which case it could be a good first panel in a comic or flip book..

    Some kinda metaphor, hopefully an omen? (Yeah, I know, its bad luck to be superstitious!)

  11. Eric says

    Canada geese are a real nuisance where I live. They are everywhere. They poop everywhere. And can be mean. Never before have I rooted for one so much as the one in that image.

  12. Lauren Walker says

    I’m love how all of the MAGA fantasy art magically shrinks Trump’s gut so he’s no longer morbidly obese, gives him the posture of a poised human rather than a boiled shrimp, and evens his skin tone to a more believable shade of orange. Hardly a surprise, though, considering these people have never been able to engage honestly with reality, much like Trump himself.

  13. silvrhalide says

    @4 That is a classic Canadian goose attack posture but whatever bootlicking sycophant created this visual abomination clearly Photoshopped a Canadian goose and used the rotate tool… badly. When Canadian geese attack, they lower their heads and make a hissing sound while kind of brandishing their wings. So the posture is right but the angle is wrong.
    As for the jackbooted high kick, the Nazi soldiers were derogatorily nicknamed “goose steppers” and that stupid march they did was in fact called goose-stepping. Maybe the goose is about to kick orange Hitler into the Matterhorn? Who can say.

    @19 The whole image looks as if Rob Liefeld and Thomas Kincaid had a baby. A really ugly baby. Or else told Midjourney “Trump in Canada in the style of Rob Liefeld’s Captain America and Thomas Kinkade”

  14. birgerjohansson says

    BTW is the wendigo of indian legend a thing in Canadian indian culture? I think it would be more efficient than geese.

  15. lumipuna says

    birgerjohansson – I suspect that using wendigo (a widely appropriated and misinterpreted element of some indigenous cultures) to represent Canada (a colonial nation) would be in very bad taste.