It really did snow

You can see a bit of it in this photo.

Mainly, though, this is a picture of my wife’s swarm of bird feeders, which were also swarmed with birds this morning, which all fled the instant I stepped outside. There is a squirrel hiding in the photo, you might not be able to see it. They’re kind of sneaky.


  1. stuffin says

    Much joy has left my life because I had to take down my bird feeder. Gave me and the wife plenty of happy moments over the years. But when the rats came, they dug tunnels under my (paver) walkway, and it collapsed. They also nested under my back deck which connected to my walkway. Caught the rats under the birdfeeder several times eating the discarded seed the birds threw away. Put our poison boxes, also traps. The traps killed three rats, one large male, one large female and one I took for an adolescent. No idea how many the poison boxes took out., but much of the bait was eaten. Had to have a landscape contractor redo the walkway to the tune of $1000. I dislike taking the lives of any animal, but this became a quality-of-life issue, was very concerned the next step was for them to find a way into the house in search of an alternative food source. The clearing of woods near my development probably contributed to their arrival. That was out of my control.

  2. robro says

    I may see the squirrel. I definitely see a nuthatch.

    We’re being inundated today and for the next few days. They’re calling in a bomb cyclone, aka an atmospheric river. It’s on its way to Minnesota, PZ.

  3. Tethys says

    The Cities got a light dusting too, though it’s the first time we had a hard freeze this fall. The leaves are still up in many trees, which is not at all normal for November in Minnesota.

    I think I see the squirrel in the tree. It’s directly above the peak of the chalet type feeder near the top of the photo. It blends into that gray tree trunk perfectly, but I can see a white underside, an eye, some paws holding its food, and its bushy tail is pretty clear over its right shoulder.

  4. drewl, Mental Toss Flycoon says

    Still can’t see the squirrel. Then again, I suck at ‘Magic Eye’ pictures (half blind).