Behold, the worst teacher in the world!

If you see this face coming, kick him or spit on him or otherwise scorn him. He’s terrible.

I’m having a bad semester. I’m teaching my intro biology course, which is small and ideally sized with 10 students, and every day is a trial. I go in prepared; I’m cheerful and friendly, I think; I’m working on the shaggy Santa Claus look; I’ve got lectures with frequent pauses and breaks where I encourage discussion; I think it’s an interesting topic. I’m talking amiably, and I ask the class a question — it can be as simple as “what are the results of crossing two heterozygotes?” or more open-ended, like “what is your opinion of IVF?” and it’s always the same result: dead silence, stony faces, everyone avoiding my eyes. It’s killing me. Am I intimidating? Boring? Hideous? Should I wear a bag on my head? I keep trying to get them engaged, and all I’m getting for my troubles is flop sweat.

These are not stupid students, either. I gave them a quiz last week, the mean was somewhere in the low 80s, so I know they’re understanding the material. They just don’t want to talk to me.

I’m thinking that maybe I should try some in-class ice breakers next week, and see if I can get them more active. Anyone got any good suggestions? I’m getting desperate.

Alternatively, I pick up a fifth of vodka and numb myself before walking into the classroom, because the strain is getting to me.*

*Not actually an option. I gave up all alcohol during the pandemic.


  1. Rob Grigjanis says

    I understand, even long after quitting physics. You try to explain the basics, and the response is either ill-informed nonsense, or silence from people who know better. Just keep plugging away.

    PS the vodka works better after rather than before.

  2. says

    It’s an intro course. Most of them are probably there because they have to be. They just want the next quiz, then the mid-term, then the final and to get it over with.

  3. Rich Woods says

    Anyone got any good suggestions? I’m getting desperate.

    Lock the doors and tell them the bomb will go off in exactly ten minutes unless they talk to you. If they still say nothing, after nine minutes open the bottle of vodka, take a long swig and say, “Goodbye, cruel world!” Someone will break.

  4. DanDare says

    A game of some sort, in groups of 4.
    Maybe a subject card. Each player wrotes a short opinion. Shuffle so authorship is unknown, then read out in the gtoup.
    Listen and then class questions.

  5. jpjackson says

    I’m having the same experience with my “Evolution in American Society” class. For whatever reason, they are just not really interested in talking.

    Maybe I should offer a bright, shiny nickel for anyone who speaks out.

  6. flyv65 says

    I was a biologist for 32 years doing environmental work when I retired (the knees wouldn’t let me out into the field any longer). The Missus talked me into becoming a driving instructor/state tester. Now, when I was working with other scientists, I knew a fair number of biologically “suggestive’ jokes that I used to break the ice-but I couldn’t go that route with 15 year olds…so I started learning “Dad jokes”, but actually funny ones. About 1 out of 4 to 5 don’t like the jokes, and mention it it reviews, but most do, and it seems to make them feel that I’m not just correcting them over and over. Whip out a story about my dogs, then mention that they should’ve cleared their blind spot for that last lane change. long straight bit of road? Throw out a vaguely scientific fact that is actually a funny Dad joke. They do something that could hurt them if something went wrong? I point out what it was, then tell a bad Dad joke. Maybe a bit too carrot/stick, but I get a lot of kids who ask for me again… then again, 15/16 year olds are not in college…your mileage may vary.

  7. fishy says

    Do you tell them stories? Do you stop being a professor and start being an old relative?

  8. says

    Try introducing a weekly discussion session where reading even if its only from the textbook is assigned beforehand with one student assigned to present and lead the topic. That way it is a student up front and teaching for 15 -20 mins. Good practice for when they have to present and defend their ideas at conferences or speak at meetings. Alternatively direct a question to a particular student then ask anyone else if they want to contribute.

  9. says

    Depressing when you tell a joke and see them carefully and seriously write it down, wondering whether it will be on the test. Very different from the early 1970s when, under the influence of The Movement on campus, students were endlessly correcting me (“I’m sorry, Professor, but I worked in a blood lab last summer, and what you said about blood types is wrong”). I spent the first part of every class apologizing for wrong statements I made in the previous class.

  10. Thomas Scott says

    You could try the Socratic method and tell them that their grade is based upon their participation in the discussion.

  11. Lauren Walker says

    I’d be completely honest and transparent by letting them know how disappointed you are that they won’t speak to you or even look at you. Tell them how hurt your feelings are. A little guilt trip might just work. If not, you could resort to livening things up by pretending all the juvenile black widows escaped.

  12. leovigild says

    Rather than you asking the questions and seeing if anyone answers, group them into pairs or triplets, give them a question, and ask them to discuss it amongst themselves. Then after 5-10 minutes ask the groups to give their responses. (If you really must, have them write down an answer and then recite it out loud, but that probably won’t be necessary).

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