We got our soundbite

It slaps.

I don’t really care what the intent of the creator was, it shows what a buffoon this guy is.


  1. says

    Trump’s fandom looking at an obvious failure and saying “It isn’t losing, it is winning! You just aren’t smart enough to understand the five-dimensional chess.” is consistent with their past behaviour.

  2. birgerjohansson says

    Those who recall how he interacted with Angela Merkel, or with hurricane sutvivors in San Juan (throwing paper towels) et cetera will of course not be surprised.
    The only difference is that the craziness was more prolonged, plus on a stage with only two persons there is nothing to distract from the shameful spectacle.

  3. tacitus says

    I took a look at the Freeper live thread after the debate and Trump’s “They’re eating the dogs” line was pretty much all they were talking about.

    It might have been a defensive reaction but they really did seem to believe it was his slam dunk sound bite of the night.

  4. Walter Solomon says

    RFK Jr has been suspiciously quiet during this whole dog-eating fiasco. As an alleged connoisseur of hound chow, not to mention roadkill bears and beached whale heads, I wonder what he thinks of all of this.

  5. says

    I must express the same concerns as @7 muttpupdad and @8 Walter Solomon. This entire country is being consumed by these fecevorous (yeah, I just made that word up, but it fits) rtwingnuts.

  6. Akira MacKenzie says

    Oh! Sorry. I just realized that I misread that.I thought he was saying Trump was a socialist.

  7. awomanofnoimportance says

    You know, I have a cookbook from the 1800s that actually has a recipe for cat. Apparently you fry it with onions, smother it with gravy, and serve it with grits, and I’ll give you three guesses which region of the country the cookbook is from. I’ve never tried it.

  8. silvrhalide says

    @7 has anyone checked his stomach? asking, given his overwhelming fondness for fast food burgers. God only knows what’s in those things.

  9. says

    Tangentially on topic: there is an article about tRUMP signing an american flag at arlington. I’m surprised that he didn’t also break into one of his grotesque dances!j Thumbs up ahole!

  10. says

    So, we can add vancehole to the list of cat-eating aliens. It used to be just a TV character named alf.
    And, why isn’t everyone badgering him about what shade and brand of eye-liner he uses?

  11. says

    @14 silvrhalide wrote: the word you are looking for is coprophagia
    I reply: Thanks for the technically correct info. But, my made-up term might put a ‘shit-eating’ grin on some faces.

  12. Kagehi says

    @1 Strewth

    People at my work, the literal next morning, where babbling, “Well, he was right about abortion at least.” It was all I overheard, because A) I was trying to do something else, and B) it was during work hours, so I couldn’t stop and tell my coworker they where an idiot, even if I felt like it, but all I could think at that moment was, “In what f-ing way was he right? Because either you think he is right about post-birth bullshit, in which case you really are an idiot, or you think he was right about everyone wanting to end it/move it to the state level, in which case you need to spend less time in your right wing church, and only listening to right wing news.” However, I know exactly what their response to the second thing would be, “Unlike our solely owned by corporations and right wing MAGA media sources, all the other ones are propaganda for the ‘deep state'”. This is what happens when a political organization goes, “Heh.. churches do a great job at isolating people from facts, lying to them, and spreading fear, and evangelicals are exceptional at this. I wonder if they can teach our political party to do the same thing?” Answer: Definitely, especially if you can then get the churches themselves to repeat the lies. Because, I am 100% certain this mess is a direct marriage between politics and religion, and our abject refusal, as a matter of “common decency”, to never talk about those things (except, of course, when, like at my job, its some idiot customer brining it up, and the idiot cashier, who has been flat out told to never discuss such, agreeing with them). This is, again, the result, what ever the “local” idiocies, or agreement about which side is right get amplified, because no one will this behavior out, but anyone disagreeing will be shot down, if they step up and say, “No, you are wrong.”

    Seriously, who the F thought that it was a “bad” idea to talk about this stuff anyway? All it does is stop people from hearing other opinions, it does not, in the long run, stop violence, fights, anger, hate, or any of the stuff we are supposedly “avoiding”, by avoiding the freaking subject(s).