He seemed surprised that the attendees at the National Association of Black Journalists were black

I have never witnessed so much deflection, evasion, and dishonesty…and I’ve debated creationists. I had to run to the bathroom twice during this video!*

I was surprised to see his line of criticism of Kamala Harris was to accuse her of not actually being black. That degree of racism was…novel? It’ll be interesting to see how that works for him in a debate.

*Admittedly, there were other circumstances.


  1. cheerfulcharlie says

    I watched Trump embarrass himself at the NABJ. This will do for trump what Biden’s poor debate showing did for Biden. His repeate lies about late term abortion were beyond mere lying. According to Pew Research, 63% of Americans support abortion rights. Lying like this is going to get him some unwanted attention when Harris starts campaigning seriously. This will be an opposition quote mining mother lode. The Lincoln Project is going to have a lot of jolly fun with this one.

  2. says

    It continues to amaze and baffle me that even one single person can believe this waddling, twaddling lunatic should hold any public office whatsoever.

  3. robro says

    What’s particularly scary about the situation is the buzz going around about Republican controlled states, or a Republican controlled House and Senate, just throwing out the vote if Trump and Republican candidates loose. Harris and Democratic candidates might have to win by a lot to overwhelm the resistance of the Republican machine. That’s not looking too promising. And then, should she and the Democrats win, there’s a non-zero possibility that Harris will face violent opposition to her taking office similar or worse than January 6.

  4. whywhywhy says

    #3. What elected Republicans are pushing for Trump to resign?
    The parties are asymmetrical. There will be little effect on his support. This election will be a grind.

  5. Reginald Selkirk says

    Trump Gets Awkward Reminder as He Vows to Pardon January 6 Rioters

    While at the National Association of Black Journalists’ conference in Chicago, Trump was asked if he would pardon rioters who assaulted police officers during the January 6 insurrection.

    “Oh, absolutely I would,” Trump replied while interrupting the moderators. “If they are innocent, I would pardon them.”

    “They’ve been convicted,” Rachel Scott, senior congressional correspondent for ABC News, quickly clarified, to which the crowd interrupted in laughter…

    Innocent people don’t need to be pardoned.

    Trump: I have a very good brain

  6. drew says

    The important thing is that liberal media got a chance to stress that we’re divided by race and gender, so we can all still get together to support Wall Street.

  7. Reginald Selkirk says

    Asked about cognitive ability, Trump brings up Harris’ bar-exam results: What to know

    “She failed her bar exam. She did not pass her bar exam, so maybe she would not pass the cognitive test,” Trump said. “She did not pass her bar exam, and she did not think she would pass it, and she did not think she would ever pass it, and I don’t know what happened.”

    Harris has said that she did not pass the exam on her first attempt, but she later passed and was admitted to the California Bar the year after she finished law school…

    What a bizarre avenue of attack. Harris has passed the bar exam more times than Trump.

  8. billseymour says

    … so maybe [Harris] would not pass the cognitive test, …


    As part of a study I’m participating in to test the usefullness of prophylactic radiation to keep small-cell cancer out of the brain, I periodically take a test of cognitive decline that seems to be similar to the one that Trump misremembered.  It’s definitely nothing to brag about. 8-)

  9. Larry says

    The fat bastard has absolutely no idea how to deal with Kamala. He is simply throwing whatever comes up in his disease-riddled brain on the spur of the moment. He doesn’t remember what he said 10 minutes before so he’ll completely contradict himself and not be phased by it at all. His magat cult don’t care either way because logic, comprehension, and rational thinking skills in them are severely lacking.

  10. Doc Bill says

    Trump is trying to get back in the news cycle. Offensive, rude, whatever. Me, me, me!

  11. John Harshman says

    My suspicion is that the reason for Trump’s whole spiel about Kamala not being black is that he had her confused in his head with Nikki Haley.

  12. says

    JD Vance, judging people from his couch (from the article cited @1):

    “And I think it reflects pretty poorly on our sort of therapeutic society that we try to praise people not for moments of strength, not for moments of heroism, but for their weakest moments.”

    Okay, I think this guy just won the Dumbest Senator award. First, “we” (whoever he’s referring to, it’s not really clear) do indeed praise people for their moments of strength and heroism. Anyone who watches any TV news, sports or non-sports, can see this. (“A local mom is being called a hero after running into a burning house to rescue a neighbor’s baby,” that sort of thing.) Do he and his fellow Republicans routinely fail or refuse to do so? Do they ignore news of other people’s praiseworthy actions?

    And second, what the fuck’s wrong with cheering and encouraging people when they try but fail to do something important? What’s wrong with praising someone’s serious efforts and saying they can try again and maybe do better next time? Republicans seem to think we’ll turn people into losers if we say nice things to them when they’re not 100% successful. Guess what, assholes — that black chick just proved you’re wrong. Again.

    These Republicans sound like nothing but hateful vindictive idiots who think it’s beneath them to say anything positive about anyone else. Maybe they hate hearing others praised for doing things they themselves will never be able or willing to do?

  13. says

    @whywhywhy #7

    The parties are asymmetrical. There will be little effect on his support. This election will be a grind.

    True. The people still supporting Trump simply don’t care about such petty things like debate performances or blatant lying.

  14. KG says

    The important thing is that liberal media got a chance to stress that we’re divided by race and gender, so we can all still get together to support Wall Street. – drew@10

    Even for you that’s a breathtakingly silly remark. If the liberal media stress that “we’re divided by race and gender” (seems to me it’s Trump and Vance who are making that obvious fact the centre of their campaign), how does that help them to promote the idea that “we can all still get together to support Wall Street”? It would actually seem to make that more difficult, if that’s what they wanted to do. Which, by and large, they don’t – Wall Street, and capitalism in general, are mostly just treated as if they are as inevitable and unquestionable as gravity, and so in no need of support.

  15. raven says

    The people still supporting Trump simply don’t care about such petty things like debate performances or blatant lying.

    Or about his obvious cognitive decline.
    Trump is apparently turning into a Zombie.

    His base and the GOP leadership don’t care.
    If he goes Zombie, they will just cart him into the White House on a stretcher and prop him up in a chair.
    And, then use him as a puppet.

    The Heritage foundation, the ultra rich oligarchy, the fundie xian nationalists, Turning Point USA, etc. will be the ones ruling the USA. Or more likely destroying the USA.
    This could even be their preferred outcome.
    A US president they can use as a ventriloquist’s dummy.

    This isn’t all that unusual.
    We’ve been here before.
    Reagan was in the early stages of Alzheimers during his second term.
    Trump was in the early stages (or maybe late stages) of Trump dementia during his first term.

  16. raven says

    It’s not that unusual in authoritarian systems for the Supreme Leader to end up with age related cognitive impairment in their later years.
    In a system with a dictator for life, it’s going to happen often.
    Then the ruling class just rules in their name, and does what they want.

    .1. In the old USSR, their leader Brezhnev ended up very weak and frail towards the end of his regime.
    .2. In China, in his later days, Chairman Mao never seemed to do much or say much.
    The rulers were the Gang of Four who lost out in the power struggle after Mao died.
    .3. Franco of Spain, didn’t seem to be all there in his later days.
    .4. Reagan in the USA, second term.
    .5. Trump in the USA, second term (hypothetical and only with the help of Cthulhu)

  17. Tethys says

    Raging Bee @19

    Okay, I think this guy just won the Dumbest Senator award. First, “we” (whoever he’s referring to, it’s not really clear) do indeed praise people for their moments of strength and heroism. Anyone who watches any TV news, sports or non-sports, can see this.

    I don’t suppose he has praised the Women’s Gymnastic Team for winning gold at the Olympics, lead by the GOAT, Simone Biles and her multiple Olympic wins?
    The fact that Simone is a black woman is the only thing that Hillbilly can see. Weakness? I doubt his tubby self could touch his toes, and gets winded by going up a flight of stairs.

    I’m sure it hasn’t occurred to him that a gymnast who routinely launches herself ten feet in the air (more than 2x her height) while flipping backwards three times (a world record) might be severely injured if they aren’t absolutely precise in knowing their spatial orientation.

  18. microraptor says

    I’m pretty sure that Trump straight up confused Kamala with Elizabeth Warren when he was ranting about her being “Indian and not black.” He’s done that a lot, especially lately, and I don’t think he understands the difference between Native Americans and people from the Indian subcontinent. Like how his talk of Hannibal Lector in regards to people trying to cross the southern border was probably due to his not understanding the difference between political asylum and insane asylums.

  19. Reginald Selkirk says

    VP Candidate J.D. Vance, With Biracial Kids, Calls Trump Race Slur ‘Hysterical’

    J.D. Vance has described the furor set off by Donald Trump’s comments on Kamala Harris’ racial identity as “hysterical,” while blaming the media for “overreacting” in the hours since…

    Republican vice presidential candidate Vance was among those to support Trump, telling reporters aboard his campaign plane while en route to a campaign rally in Arizona: “I frankly just think it’s hysterical how much the media is overreacting to it,” Vance said, according to The Hill…

    Creepy weirdo.

  20. Reginald Selkirk says

    Trump loses appeal of gag order in hush money criminal case

    A New York state appeals court on Thursday rejected Donald Trump’s challenge to a gag order in his hush money criminal case, where the former U.S. president was convicted in May on charges stemming from hush money paid to a porn star.

    The decision by the Appellate Division in Manhattan means Trump, the Republican presidential nominee in the Nov. 5 election, cannot comment publicly about individual prosecutors and others in the case until Justice Juan Merchan sentences him on Sept. 18…

    What a bad week he is having.

  21. says

    A quote from “Letter from a Region in My Mind” by James Baldwin (November, 1962)

    “Whatever white people do not know about Negroes reveals, precisely and inexorably, what they do not know about themselves.”
    By James Baldwin

  22. F.O. says

    @rabbitbrush #2, @Larry #14:
    What have fat people done to you to be lumped together with a fascist?

  23. tacitus says

    I’m pretty sure that Trump straight up confused Kamala with Elizabeth Warren when he was ranting about her being “Indian and not black.”

    I don’t think so. He started to raise his suspicions of Harris’s racial identity during Ingram’s interview (I think — could have been a different venue, but it was just the other day) using a very similar formulation. He didn’t get the chance to spell it out so explicitly that time, but it’s clear he believes it’s a legit attack on Harris’s record.

  24. microraptor says

    tacitus @35: He might think it’s a legitimate attack, but he’s had a lot of incidents of mistaking one person for some other person lately and every time he screws up he doubles down and insists that he’s correct- that’s something he’s done for years.

  25. Reginald Selkirk says

    Trump lashes out at Biden over historic prisoner exchange that freed Paul Whelan, Evan Gershkovich

    The former president repeated the false allegations that cash was involved in the deal during an interview on the “Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.”

    When asked by a reporter about Trump’s repeated claims he could’ve gotten the hostages out of Russia without concessions, Biden took a direct jab at his former political opponent.

    “Why didn’t he do it when he was president?” Biden said…

    David Whelan, Paul Whelan’s brother, said in a statement Thursday that his family was “discouraged from speaking out about Paul’s case.”

    “Those first years were hard when the Trump Administration ignored Paul’s wrongful detention, and it was media attention that helped to finally create critical mass and awareness within the U.S. government,” he said…

    In a May Truth Social post, Trump claimed Gershkovich “will be released almost immediately after the Election, but definitely before I assume Office.”

    “Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me but not for anyone else,” he said in his post…

    “Ignore the strings. I control the puppeteer!”

  26. Bekenstein Bound says

    Raging Bee@19:

    Guess what, assholes — that black chick just proved you’re wrong. Again.

    And again. Earlier today, on floor, almost hit the damn ceiling. She has more jump in her than the entire NBA. Also, four tumbling passes, and did you see her on beam?! I think exactly two people did jumps on floor with a triple twist, Biles and one of the Canadian athletes.

    Vance will be qualified to criticize and second guess her gymnastics decisions no sooner than the day he can do one single one of the moves she performed without breaking his own damn neck trying.

    Reginald Selkirk@27:

    I don’t see how they would get it passed in the House.

    That might be for the best. It’s a band-aid fix at best, routing around the SC rather than, y’know, fixing it. The Repugs would just switch tactics to gaining control of the DC federal court. And it has a “nuclear” clause in it that tries to block the SC from being able to declare it unconstitutional. If that results in a ruling that a US bill can contain such a clause enforceably, then they will have created a version of Canada’s “notwithstanding clause” that lets the legislature ignore the constitution in any bill just by adding a bit of extra language to it. That might be tolerable in a parliamentary system that by design elevates the legislative branch to supremacy, but in the US it’s a gross departure from the traditional separation of powers and the checks and balances that keep the three branches there co-equal. Responding to Trump’s attempt to make the executive branch dominant by making the legislative branch dominant smacks of fighting fire with fire. I doubt that would end well.


    He is simply throwing whatever comes up in his disease-riddled brain on the spur of the moment.

    What’s the basis for your rather outré speculation here? Okay, it’s not as out there as faster than light neutrinos or the Pyramids being landing pads for saucers, but there is not a shred of evidence that Trump is secretly harboring a brain he’s been carefully concealing from everybody …

    Trump: I have a very good brain

    … and one very strong piece of evidence that he isn’t. I mean, if Trump says he has one, then he can’t possibly, surely?

    And what the fuck is causing all of these logouts lately? Now it won’t stay logged in for even ten bloody minutes at a time!!

  27. Reginald Selkirk says

    @19, 29, 41 Simone Biles (aside)

    I notice that this Olympics she is doing historically difficult maneuvers, at the expense of perfection. For example, doing a Yurchenko double pike on the vault, but taking a big hop on the landing; stepping out of bounds on the floor routine. The increased difficulty factor is enough to compensate for the penalty points so that she is still able to win.

  28. Reginald Selkirk says

    Jealous Trump Fumes as Kamala’s Momentum Gets a Valuable Boost

    “Crazy Kamala Harris, voted the WORST Vice President in American history, needed a concert to bring people into the Atlanta arena, and they started leaving 5 minutes into her speech. I don’t need concerts or entertainers, I just have to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!” Trump wrote on TruthSocial.

    Big words from the guy who brought out Kid Rock at the Republican National Convention. Not to mention Hulk Hogan, or right-wing country star Jason Aldean, who was sitting right next to Trump before his big speech…

  29. Reginald Selkirk says

    Kyle Rittenhouse says he will not vote for Trump

    Conservative campaigner Kyle Rittenhouse says he will not vote for Donald Trump in November’s US election because he thinks the ex-president is “bad” at protecting gun rights.

    Mr Rittenhouse, now 21, shot dead two men during racial unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August 2020. He was cleared of all charges the following year after arguing self-defence.

    Instead of Trump, he plans to write in former Libertarian presidential nominee Ron Paul on the ballot…

    Ron Paul? I haven’t heard that name in quite a while. He was part of the original movement to make the word libertarian a synonym for asshole.

  30. Reginald Selkirk says

    Federal investigators suspected that Egypt may have bribed Trump with $10 million in cash

    In January 2017, a bank manager at the National Bank of Egypt in Cairo received a letter from an organization linked to the Egyptian intelligence service asking them “kindly withdraw” about $10 million in cash from the organization’s account. That took place just five days before Donald Trump became president, The Washington Post reported in an exclusive on Friday, revealing that federal investigators believed the withdrawn cash may have been intended as a bribe for the Republican…

    The investigation was closed under former Attorney General William Barr, a Trump loyalist who reportedly questioned whether there was sufficient evidence to continue the probe, which has not been renewed under Attorney General Merrick Garland

    Investigators “were blocked from seeking key records to determine if Trump took the money, then the case was shut down,” the Washington Post investigative reporter Carol Leonnig noted on X…


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